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 Eucalyptus trees

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Momo_Vinny Posted - Dec 29 2013 : 02:20:56 AM
Hello everybody, I'm a relatively new owner of two sugar gliders named Vinny and Momo. I was considering buying a eucalyptus tree and I was wondering if anybody had advice on which type is best for sugar gliders. Also I was wondering if they could be used as an indoor plant?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ohiogal13 Posted - Dec 31 2013 : 10:38:36 AM
I have a monthly subscription to eucproducts, they send me them every month, a ziplock baggy full and some branches. The leaves are very fresh when I receive them, and on your first order they send you a paper telling you how to take care of them. I love these leaves and my gliders love them even more :) I keep some leaves in their cage for a few days, then they just dry up.
Tongue Flicker Posted - Dec 30 2013 : 04:45:34 AM

You could stand the branches on water so they could be fresh for a few days or separate the leaves from the wood. My gliders love freezer-cooled eucalyptus branches. As for the leaves i would smear some honey so they'd get hooked more.
shannonlcorum Posted - Dec 29 2013 : 11:02:43 PM
I'm going to give the combo a try. I went ahead and signed up for the monthly subscription because the shipping is free and if mine don't like it, I can cancel at any time. I can also change to all leaves or all branches if mine prefer one over the other. I'll let everyone know how it goes.
Minnesota Zoo Posted - Dec 29 2013 : 08:35:35 PM
I left the loose leaves in for a few days til the leave dried up and got crunchy.

The branches were left in for a about 2 weeks, I was hoping they would start doing something like chewing or stripping leaves off of them.

They can go bad, they can get moldy. I have a baggie of leaves in my fridge still but will have to check them over and maybe wash them if I give them to them.

He sent care instructions for them that I can't find right now.

I really thought they would go crazy for these but they didn't

The smell is pretty strong too, so my family complained about it and it did aggravate some of our allergies.
shannonlcorum Posted - Dec 29 2013 : 08:24:08 PM
Originally posted by Minnesota Zoo

If you want to try eucalyptus for your gliders check the safe plant and tree list for the sub species...there are many varieties.

I ordered a trial pack of leaves and branches from Euc procducts and sadly my gliders and Sun Conure didn't care for them at all, but here is the link if you want to check them out...

I was just getting ready to ask if anyone else had tried these.

I might give them a try. How long can you leave the leaves in the cage? Do they spoil or go bad?
Minnesota Zoo Posted - Dec 29 2013 : 08:16:20 PM
If you want to try eucalyptus for your gliders check the safe plant and tree list for the sub species...there are many varieties.

I ordered a trial pack of leaves and branches from Euc procducts and sadly my gliders and Sun Conure didn't care for them at all, but here is the link if you want to check them out...
Tongue Flicker Posted - Dec 29 2013 : 04:28:51 PM
There are certain species of eucalyptus (like those with non-smelly leaves) to avoid though almost every species available in garden supplies and plant nurseries sell the safe ones. There is something called a silver dollar tree (E.pulverulenta 'baby blue') with rounded leaves that looks like on skewers that less than 2 feet tall when sold. It could be pruned heavily to avoid tall-tree growth and often propagated as a pseudo-bonsai and can be used as an indoor plant with full lighting.
migo Posted - Dec 29 2013 : 11:30:30 AM
My glider loves eucalyptus! I believe they sell some via the classifieds. I use Exotic Nutrition branches. I tend to just leave one somewhere in his cage and let him munch on it. Just make sure to exchange it every once and awhile (: