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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gulfcoastcowboy Posted - Jun 21 2014 : 11:00:08 AM
He is in Biloxi, Ms selling what appears to be mill pets..... 7 that I know of has tested positive for trichomonas..... One died in 5 days this is ridiculous this guy needs to be shutdown!!!!!
30   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ddown33569 Posted - Jul 23 2017 : 02:52:07 PM
They still to this day can not be held. They will eat out of your hands, but you do have to pay attention or your finger is food. They have a great diet, great dwelling, and are fixed. Just not able to hold them. I've tried everything under the sun bonding wise. It is what it is at this point.
minigliders Posted - Jul 23 2017 : 02:34:19 PM
Sandman and Mike cheek are
passed away!
Ddown33569 Posted - May 06 2016 : 07:34:20 AM
Nothing set in stone yet. Suggestions?
kiwi3435 Posted - May 06 2016 : 06:12:20 AM
have you decided on a better diet for them yet?
Gayle Posted - May 06 2016 : 05:26:33 AM
Each glider bonds differently. Some gliders calm after being fixed. It just takes time to build there trust.
Ddown33569 Posted - May 05 2016 : 11:28:45 PM
I did take them to a vet who said they are older. At least 8 months. And yes they are scheduled to be neutered. :-). Do you think this will help with the bonding at all or will I ever be able to hold them?
Candy Posted - May 05 2016 : 11:24:44 PM
First he told me that they were eight weeks old. 3 months later they're getting their diamonds on their heads so clearly they're not 8 weeks old.

Also they have a god-awful smell.

Male gliders begin to mature about 4 months OOP - so they may have been about 8 weeks OOP when you got them - a fully developed scent gland on their heat at 5 months old is about right.

The smell - that is because you have TWO intact male gliders and they will compete to out mark everything in the cage.

Having both of them neutered will reduce the smell by about 90% and will also help them calm down.

Neutering will also reduce the risk of them beginning to fight as they get older.

Ddown33569 Posted - May 05 2016 : 10:17:48 PM

I purchased two gliders from this same guy. "The Sugar Glider Man" named Mike. Number 940-594-8788 USDA 58-B-0613

First he told me that they were eight weeks old. 3 months later they're getting their diamonds on their heads so clearly they're not 8 weeks old. Also these two are vicious. I can now hand feed them but they've been that way since day one if you try to hold them up pick them up they will bite and draw blood. I've done everything under the sun to bond with them. I'm not sure what else to do. I've never given up on an animal before but in this case I do not know what to do.

Also they have a god-awful smell. I am trying everything with their diet changing into different formulas different foods natural foods pellet Foods. You name it nothing is working. I can't help but think it might be because that they are an untamed and wild and are stressing out and releasing their scent.

Please anybody with any kind of help please help me I do not know what to do. I'm at my wit's end with this whole thing. Of course Mike the sugar glider man will not answer the phone calls.
Candy Posted - Feb 09 2015 : 11:09:27 AM
Welcome to the forum and to glider parenthood.

If someone has seen this guy can you tell me if this is the same as the guy who shows in a google search for "Arthur Gibbons sugar gliders" (change search results to show images not web). Also daddy glider on photobucket. If this is in fact the same guy it appears he has also written a back.

I can assure you that you were not dealing with Art Gibbons. He is a very reputable breeder and sometimes sets up an INFORMATIONAL booth at locations where gliders might be sold to impulse buyers but he does not sell at these locations. He is also a USDA Breeder and you would have been given paperwork transferring ownership of the glider from him to you. Art is located in Florida and the paperwork would have indicated that as well.

Mindy - the leu glider in my avitar is one of Art's babies. He now has Monk one of Mindy's mosaic joeys I gave him about 4 years ago.

This forum is a great source of information for you to learn to care for your gliders. Keep reading and asking questions. We are happy to help you get off to a good start with your glider.

I am not sure if you were dealing with Mike Sanderson or not - but most folks that sell at flea markets and fairs are very similar. Their only goal is to sell the gliders and pocket the money. The welfare of the glider is not first on their list.

All gliders deserve a good home - no matter how he made it to you. Be patient with him and he will become your best buddy.

It is difficult to pinpoint a gliders exact age unless the paper work you were given has an out of pouch date. A well check-up with a glider experienced vet will help you be sure your glider is healthy. If you will tell us where you live someone may be able to refer you to a good vet in your area. A vet can do fecal testing to make sure your glider has no parasite issues that might need treatment. The vet can also give you a better idea of your glider's age.

For now, love your glider and be patient as you get to know each other. Read the information in the Gliderpedia (forum header) on bonding and feel free to ask questions.

If you need information on feeding your glider well, I have links on my web page to a number of widely used feeding plans. These have recipes for a nectar like staple that will provide the protein, vitamins and calcium your glider requires. You will also need to feed a wide variety of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables along with the staple. My own GliderKids feeding plan is one of the plans you might consider.

I hope you will consider getting a second glider as a companion for your new furry friend. Gliders are colony animals and really do need a buddy to share a sleeping pouch with and to play with at night when gliders are awake and active and their humans must sleep.

bmouth Posted - Feb 08 2015 : 10:58:00 PM
I think I just bought a pair from this guy. I am concerned because one glider is larger and having a difficult time bonding. She bites to the point she draws blood. While I'm not giving up on her I am now very curious as to her true age. I've wanted a glider for years. So when I saw him selling I was excited. Sadly, between the excitement and my boys I took what he gave me without seeingwhich gliders I wanted. Particularly because he also stated he didn't want them handled too much so they would bond better with new family. Bad move on my part......HINDSIGHT. I live in Florida. Bought them from flea market. This guy Mike said he would be at the fair selling. I attempted to find him and he was not to be found. I am wondering if this is the same guy mentioned here. This guy had a dark haired woman with him, I think his wife. If someone has seen this guy can you tell me if this is the same as the guy who shows in a google search for "Arthur Gibbons sugar gliders" (change search results to show images not web). Also daddy glider on photobucket. If this is in fact the same guy it appears he has also written a back.

My receipt has company name of Sugar Gliders from Justin, TX.

Should I have health concerns as mentioned here?
How can I find their true age?
I am very new to the glider world and finding reliable care information has been a challenge. Any suggestions on where to get this information?

Thanks in advanced for sharing.
lizardchild Posted - Jan 27 2015 : 08:53:54 PM
I am so glad that the gliders that I bought from him were awesome. They were in perfect health. He took the time to answer all of my questions & even gave me the pamphlet about them. He talked to me for almost an hour & this was on a Saturday with people all in the store. When I came back the next weekend to pick up the glider,I was given the glider,pouch,cage,food,and a packet on how to care for her.Then I went back a month later& bought a male from him.. I had no problems with him or the gliders.
minigliders Posted - Jan 23 2015 : 05:41:03 PM
Several years ago, mike sandrige was a breeder and sold at traders village as sandman's sugar gliders. At that time he had a booming business. In 2009 he bought 800 sugar gliders from the lady I worked for. I refused to be there the day of the pick up! And quit that day. Later mike sandrife asked me if I wanted to buy 50 males. He said they were all left overs that wasn't paired up for breeding and they were all in one cage fighting. In 2010 we had about 10" of snow and lost power for 36+ hours. I guess he had no back up heat and lost around 1500 pair of gliders. That means all the ones I cared for three years were dead! Why didn't he have propane backup heaters????? He did lose his Usda breeders license. However now he is back in business as a broker! Since I cant see post dates on here, I will add 1-23-2015.
CorgiRider Posted - Nov 30 2014 : 01:46:21 AM
Originally posted by PeanutandSid

Is Mike Sandridge Glider Pets?

YES! Avoid this business and him!
Minnesota Zoo Posted - Jul 06 2014 : 12:12:29 AM
Based on their web site and their cookie cutter answers for glider care being the same as PPP and they are associated and sell out of S&S gliders I would not risk it.

If you know people personally that recommend them, then it's up to you to make your own judgement on that. I have heard many complaints about them so I will not recommend them.

I do not know these people "personally", I have "met" them thru FB groups and on here.

I just want you to be aware of you will/may be encountering and encourage you to do lots and lots of research.

Good luck with your new Joeys, where ever they come from. We all just want whats best for the gliders.

These critters are sure to capture your heart as soon as you set eyes on them. I know they did for me.:)
9597girl Posted - Jul 05 2014 : 11:52:02 PM
Have you heard anything negative about GliderPets? Most people I have contacted(that got their gliders there) have told me that theirs are going just fine.
Minnesota Zoo Posted - Jul 05 2014 : 09:10:33 PM
A lot of their feeding and care instructions are the same as PPP. The cage requirements they say is also the same as PPP.
Gliders do not need to be kept in small cages until they are older. The biggest glider safe cage you have room for and can afford is always best.

I would recommend you choose an approved diet (from the Gliderpedia diet tab)and not follow their plan(they will try to "Up-sell" you their crappy food and supplements).
Their web site says they are "USDA" breeders but that does not mean they are not mill breeders or that they are good breeders.

All that means is that the gliders have a minimum cage requirement "for Breeders"
Which is 1' x 1' x 1' cages, and have passed sanitary inspections.

There are some breeders that go way beyond those recommendations, to their credit for the health and well being of the gliders they keep as breeders and the joeys they raise for sale, But it is not the "norm" for the mill breeders who are supplying the "Mill Brokers"(aka Gliderpets) with animals.

The vitamins and minerals should be added to the "Nectar replacement" staple diet you choose...not sprinkled on food or added to their water.

If you do get joeys from them, I would have an exotic vet appointment set up the same or next day for fecal testing and wellness exams and make sure to test again after 30 days, the next generation of parasites can hatch out by then.

But I would really encourage you to look elsewhere for gliders. Even if you ask the right questions, you may not get the right answers(they like to tell people incorrect OOP dates) or they will tell you what they think you want to hear.

They are master salesmen. And like PPP they will tell you that "Us forum folks don't know what we are talking about" to steer you away from any info that will conflict with what they say.

9597girl Posted - Jul 03 2014 : 01:17:21 PM
I have already contacted many people and they gave me a BUNCH of questions to ask :) I am getting them at around 10 weeks :)
sunglider Posted - Jul 03 2014 : 11:52:25 AM
If these are indeed mill breeders THEN DO NOT BUY FROM THEM!!!!! Minnesota Zoo is a very experienced glider owner. She is right, because if you think that you are saving money buying from a mill breeder you will only then spend even more taking them to an exotic vet or they might be to young or sickly. So do some research in your area of were you can buy from a good breeder.
9597girl Posted - Jul 02 2014 : 11:46:48 PM
I am planning on getting twin girls on the 27th. I am going to purchase them from Glider Pets in Houston, Texas. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations?
Minnesota Zoo Posted - Jul 02 2014 : 12:44:57 AM
Where are you located? You should look for a good breeder in your area. The places listed here are all mill brokers that sell under aged and sick gliders that die or have hundreds of dollars in vet bill to save them and even then most don't make it.

Find a good breeder and make sure they are at least 8-12 weeks OOP(out of pouch)before taking them from their parents.

Also get 2 gliders right off the bat(either twin joeys or gliders that are already cage mates) so you can save yourself the extra expense of having to set up a whole other cage with accessories while they are in a 30 day quarantine + scent swapping time)
9597girl Posted - Jun 28 2014 : 07:19:59 PM
WHAT??#128557;#128557;#128552; Can you give me more information like what they do wrong and such? I am planning on buying one in 29days! I called and they said we would be able to hand choose them, as they will have around 5 joeys that will be available to go. Please keep me updated!
Kayla_Smith123 Posted - Jun 28 2014 : 06:23:41 PM
Originally posted by PeanutandSid

Err sorry, What I meant is..Does Mike Sandridge go by the Name Glider Pets?

I don't believe so. The owners name of Glider Pets is Pennie from what I've been able to find.
PeanutandSid Posted - Jun 28 2014 : 05:57:58 PM
Err sorry, What I meant is..Does Mike Sandridge go by the Name Glider Pets?
PeanutandSid Posted - Jun 28 2014 : 05:56:44 PM
Is Mike Sandridge Glider Pets?
Kayla_Smith123 Posted - Jun 28 2014 : 02:52:07 PM
Originally posted by 9597girl

Where in Texas does he sell them? I am planning on buying a joey from GliderPets in Houston in about a month. Hopefully he is not the owner or such. Please keep me updated about this!

Oh my gosh DO NOT buy from Glider Pets!! They are a huge mill breeding operation!!
I'm in the process of trying the get them shut down because of the awful care they provide their animals:(
9597girl Posted - Jun 27 2014 : 05:35:07 PM
Where in Texas does he sell them? I am planning on buying a joey from GliderPets in Houston in about a month. Hopefully he is not the owner or such. Please keep me updated about this!
PeanutandSid Posted - Jun 25 2014 : 09:58:01 AM
Mike Sandridge, the mill breeder, flooded Pensacola with mill babies at a flea market this past March! Being a un-educated newbie, I bought 2. They are doing fine NOW. They did test pos. for parasites and I believe one was not as old as he claimed and the other is way older than he claimed. The difference is size of the two is very drastic. Knowing what I know now, I would never support his kind! I do love these 2 babies and can only care for them the best I can and hope they continue to do well.
Gulfcoastcowboy Posted - Jun 23 2014 : 02:53:01 PM
Yes his name is Michael Sandridge "the Sugar glider man" yes it was at the fair in biloxi
Cora1 Posted - Jun 23 2014 : 01:53:48 PM
His name is Mike Sandridge. He is a large mill breeder here in Texas. Hubby bought Spencer from him who later turned out to be a mutilator. I hear his most recent name in Texas is the sugar glider man but that could be the other Mike, Mike Cheek who is also a mill breeder.
Cora1 Posted - Jun 23 2014 : 01:51:01 PM
Its the APHIS website for USDA Animal section