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 Where did yours come from?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dancingbeyor Posted - Mar 10 2012 : 03:55:32 PM
Where did you buy your glider(s)?
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
articwolfgirl Posted - Mar 14 2012 : 02:37:15 AM
My first was bought from a bad breeder 4 hours away from home >< But hey hes a cutie and doing good.
StellaAnLuna Posted - Mar 13 2012 : 03:27:27 PM
Originally posted by Omis n Kais g-ma

Can I hug you?
Originally posted by StellaAnLuna

I voted "Dont have mine yet".
I am waiting to get gliders for two or more years to make sure my life is settled as im 18. AND I will be moving my house to a different area and that would be to stressful for the gliders to go through and just not fair(as the whole house moving). I want them to adjust(not keep moving) to there new home and live there full long lives in one house.



Omis n Kais g-ma Posted - Mar 12 2012 : 09:53:27 AM
Can I hug you?
Originally posted by StellaAnLuna

I voted "Dont have mine yet".
I am waiting to get gliders for two or more years to make sure my life is settled as im 18. AND I will be moving my house to a different area and that would be to stressful for the gliders to go through and just not fair(as the whole house moving). I want them to adjust(not keep moving) to there new home and live there full long lives in one house.


JeremyLexie Posted - Mar 11 2012 : 11:25:10 PM
@ pair I now are from PPP. They were sold about a month apart too. Pair 1 was very lucky. Pair too were sold too young almost died and the lady spent over 1k to keep them alive, at this point she re-homed them with me, bigger cage, better diet etc.

One pair I think is from Suncoast. They didn't have time for them anymore so I got the gliders for free with accessories (mostly from suncoast).

I got another pair from a rescue, most likey PP babies too. Jen Bailey Railroaded them for me. It shocks people when I explain I have never paid for gliders, just their medical. (UM isn't that expensive enough? Cage 120 wheel 50 fecal 45 exam for 2 100+ or so...)
KritterCare Posted - Mar 11 2012 : 11:12:02 AM
Omi - Thats pretty much what I said. That and if you do get a pet you end up afraid of, why the heck would you breed it? Either way, she was alone in a tiny cage, with a 5 inch wheel and trail mix looking food... I had to bring her home and take care of her.
RChurch Posted - Mar 11 2012 : 09:21:59 AM
I got mine from 2 different college kids who didn't have time for them.
StellaAnLuna Posted - Mar 11 2012 : 04:13:42 AM
I voted "Dont have mine yet".
I am waiting to get gliders for two or more years to make sure my life is settled as im 18. AND I will be moving my house to a different area and that would be to stressful for the gliders to go through and just not fair(as the whole house moving). I want them to adjust(not keep moving) to there new home and live there full long lives in one house.

Omis n Kais g-ma Posted - Mar 10 2012 : 08:02:32 PM
How does someone get a pet they are afraid of?
Originally posted by KritterCare

First one was a rescue for a friend, my second was a craigslist baby that was either a PP or other mill breeder baby. The girl that had my second girl said the "breeder" she bought from was afraid of her. =(

KritterCare Posted - Mar 10 2012 : 07:45:38 PM
First one was a rescue for a friend, my second was a craigslist baby that was either a PP or other mill breeder baby. The girl that had my second girl said the "breeder" she bought from was afraid of her. =(
fazioli Posted - Mar 10 2012 : 04:01:13 PM
My first glider I bought from a pet store, my second glider I bought from a breeder, my third glider I rescued from someone locally who didn't know how to take care of a glider, the fourth I got from the same breeder (for free) to pair with the rescue glider, and my fifth and sixth gliders someone actually gave me because they no longer had time to spend with them. Whew, such a long comment, sorry!