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 What do you think the prize should be on my blog?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
CountrynCrafty Posted - Apr 26 2012 : 12:33:23 PM
As you may or may not know I recently started a sugar glider blog and I decided that when I recieved 25 followers I would do a giveaway to one lucky follower (randomly chosen). I need to know what ya'll think the prize should be? Right now it's going to be woth $20-$25 dollars.
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
josiec Posted - Apr 28 2012 : 02:43:59 AM
What is the name of your blog??
CountrynCrafty Posted - Apr 28 2012 : 02:23:42 AM
Mods please close this poll, thank you!
DoubleBogey Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 03:31:52 PM
I haven't voted yet - but a quick suggestion would be on the gift certificate to use a paypal credit or gift certificate. I know a lot of people in our community pay vendors through paypal.
sjones5254 Posted - Apr 27 2012 : 11:27:23 AM
Originally posted by CountrynCrafty

Kazko what's that??

Kazko makes Christmas ornaments every year for people here to buy them :) They are amazing
CountrynCrafty Posted - Apr 26 2012 : 08:59:13 PM
Kazko what's that??
kazko Posted - Apr 26 2012 : 02:35:02 PM
2012 Glider gossip christmas ornament