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 Heat Rock or No Heat Rock

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Glider_gal32198 Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 04:23:01 PM
I am getting a couple of joeys for the first time and i was wondering if i need a heat rock or not. Please vote and explain your reasoning and stories!
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ang211 Posted - Feb 11 2013 : 07:26:32 AM
I am so glad you posted this. I was going to ask this question. When i got Disco i was told to have a heat lamp and a heated rock. I took the heat lamp out not i will remove the heat rock asap!!
Tigerlily88 Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 11:06:12 PM
I looked for the "not just fine but better" button. That's my vote
Omis n Kais g-ma Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 08:13:06 PM
And survey says 100%. they'll be fine without one.
Candy Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 07:50:57 PM
TigerLily covered this well.

If the room is comfortable for you, your gliders will be fine.

Heat rocks can also cause dehydration which can be life threatening in gliders.

Tigerlily88 Posted - Feb 10 2013 : 06:55:06 PM
Heat rocks are dangerous and completely unnecessary. Gliders are warm blooded mammals and do not need an external heat source. Heat rocks can cause burns, and there are numerous dangers associated with placing electrical devices in or around an animals cage, particularly the risk of them chewing on the electrical cord.

If you are worried about your gliders being chilly during colder months, the better idea is to get a small, portable heater to place in their room.