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 Critter Nation vs Congo

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
emmaschou Posted - Jun 28 2016 : 12:07:03 PM

I am new to the forum so forgive me if I have completely messed this up! :)

I am thinking about getting a new cage and have two in mind. The first is the critter nation cage, Pets Mart also sells it as All Living Things. I love that the doors open all the way. The other is the Congo cage from Exotic Nutrition. I believe Suncoast also sells this cage.

I was browsing different forums trying to get info and reviews on the two cages and one was discussing the height of the critter nation cage not including the stand and they said 48" I believe. The Congo cage says it is 52" without the stand. While this is by no means a HUGE increase in height it is taller and the Congo cage has a drop pan that doesn't have to be finagled like the critter nation cage.

Anyways... I'd love your advice and expertise!!

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kiwi3435 Posted - Jun 29 2016 : 10:59:50 AM
BYK, I absolutely love your glider cage. i hope that sometime in the future I can expand my pair into a bigger colony and then extend my cage, if my budget allows hahah. glider owning is not cheap!!
mechnut450 Posted - Jun 29 2016 : 06:52:13 AM
oh man that looks great I have to talk to my wife about what they carry at Petco lol, she works there.
BYK_Chainsaw Posted - Jun 28 2016 : 10:59:16 PM
Originally posted by emmaschou

Thank you for the feedback on the two cages Jones and Chainsaw!

Wow Chainsaw... your cage is insane!! Now I am a little sad that mine will never look like that #128579;
I was wanting to maybe stack an additional single on top like you did (one half of your cage #128523;). Do you know if you can do that with the pets mart version of the critter nation cage?

Also do you put any kind of extra clip on your doors so they don't find a way to open them? Or are the doors on the critter nation pretty much glider proof?

If you look closely at picture you will see critter nation tag at top left and bottom right part of cage. those 3 cages are 2 all things living and 1 ( ordered) critter nation ALL MIXED UP. the cage I think is made in indiana and relabeled by critter nation and petsmart, but same cage. Although I hear the newer version missing bar at bottom of cage, I have the poop tray attached to that bar. BUT anyone with a small amount of know how would find a way to attach poop tray to outside of cage.
the little nobs are spring loaded, they are pretty strong and i don't think a glider could ever open it up. Now if the spring breaks? I have 6 gliders in that cage if they ALL got together and pulled at one time as a team, who knows PRISON BREAK!
TJones09 Posted - Jun 28 2016 : 03:21:56 PM
There you have it, probably better to go with the CN/All Living Things cage, it you have the room you can expand as you can afford to!

BYK, your glider's spoiled much? Lol, that's a whopper of a cage!

JLR, thanks for showing me how you can rig a silo. The ones I have are different, but still a great idea!

Great ideas both of you!

emmaschou Posted - Jun 28 2016 : 03:11:42 PM
Thank you for the feedback on the two cages Jones and Chainsaw!

Wow Chainsaw... your cage is insane!! Now I am a little sad that mine will never look like that #128579;
I was wanting to maybe stack an additional single on top like you did (one half of your cage #128523;). Do you know if you can do that with the pets mart version of the critter nation cage?

Also do you put any kind of extra clip on your doors so they don't find a way to open them? Or are the doors on the critter nation pretty much glider proof?
JLR Posted - Jun 28 2016 : 03:03:46 PM
I have the all living things/critter nation cage and use water silos. I just replaced the plastic ring on top with a strip of fleece to secure it to the bars
BYK_Chainsaw Posted - Jun 28 2016 : 02:15:48 PM
3 critter nation cages. Wouldn't go without them myself.
but I can see that congo looks like a quality cage.

TJones09 Posted - Jun 28 2016 : 01:22:57 PM
I have the Suncoast HQ Lrg Sturdy which is the equivalent of the Congo. The differences are between those two is the Lrg. Sturdy has six smaller, slide up doors (I usually refer to as windows) on the front panel that needs to be zip tied. The zip ties are provided by Suncoast, along with two for the two little side panel doors that I believe are also on the Congo (which needs to be zip tied). The other difference is the Congo comes with shelves, ladders, and wood perches that the Lrg. Sturdy does not. This is not an issue with most people, but I do like to add a shelf or usually two, but have no use for the ladders (they aren't the safest and are not needed I've read). The Suncoast HQ Lrg. Sturdy may have come with the wooden perches and feeding dishes, but I never used the perches and am not sure I even have them still. I have replaced the 6 front window zip ties with removable zip ties, so I can take them off and put in a feeding dish now and then, but I use it for a toy bin, not food. I ended up purchasing two shelves from EN to fit into the cage and I usually use both, I like offering a couple of levels to setup feeding and play areas and it helps the gliders utilize more of the cage imo.

Now, I have read about the CN, and it's been very popular, hopefully someone that has one can give you their review on it. I also like the doors on it for cleaning, although I find the Congo doors are large enough to fit everything I need to place inside the cage as well as no problem cleaning it, the CN would be even easier. One of my issues with the cage was I prefer the vertical bars due to my preference of using a water silo. I sometimes feel that horizontal bars limit what you can attach to the cage walls. The drop pan was an issue I had as well, but have read there are modifications for that.