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 Sugar Gliders
 My baby keeps scratching himself

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Lulu Shahira Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 12:14:55 PM
Hi all, i wanna ask if sugar gliders scratch themselves is because of fleas? My baby had been scratching himself since past few days. He looks very itchy. If it is because of fleas, can anyone tell me what i should do? Or if not, is there any other things that make sugar gliders itchy?
14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Leela Posted - Aug 24 2016 : 02:52:19 PM toy making group very helpful folks usually polite when giving advice... you can post and ask for advice or just read other peoples posts, in the comments are awesome resources and links to find supplies co op group for parts and supplies you don't have to buy from the co op but it will give you a good idea for what others use on their toys... love shack a great all around group, safe toy making and general information Rayray is particularly helpful when needing toy making help PP neutral group, probably one of the best educational groups for new and old owners alike NO DRAMA IS TOLERATED affordable cage sets and bonding bags excellent quality and customer service affordable toy vendor, even if you don't buy look at peoples toys and you can see how they are made this vendor would be happy to give you advice on making the toys safe , just tell her Carla sent you to her. She super nice and patient toy part supplier most vendors use
Lulu Shahira Posted - Aug 24 2016 : 01:27:23 PM
Hi hi, thanks for all yr replies, i appreciate it very much! ^_^ oh ya, btw my baby is now ok. He had stopped that habit like 2 days ago. Im so sorry for troubling u guys, maybe i was just thinking too much and being too worry. And sorry for the late update due to connection problem. Leela, cn i hv the link u mentioned before? The one about safe sugar gliders toys. [url][/url]
Here, the vid of my baby n pics of the cage #128516;
[url="/glidergossip/Photos/19469/2016082113160820160815_223806.jpg"][img=left]/glidergossip/Photos/19469/tn/tn_2016082113160820160815_223806.jpg[/img=left][/url] [img]/glidergossip/Photos/19469/2016082113160820160815_223806.jpg[/img]
Leela Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 03:50:07 PM
ok sounds like normal grooming to me, I wouldn't be to concerned about it. When you said mesh wire I mentally see metal wire. If it's plastic or pvc coated it's fine.

The material safest for gliders is anti pill fleece. Most other fabrics have hazards, some fray which causes loose threads that can get wrapped around toes, some nails get snagged and stuck causing toes and feet to need amputated. Yarn rope and other woven,spun type materials have the same dangers.

not sure what kind of papers you are using on the floor, but some newspaper inks may cause an allergic skin reaction. Some of us use scrap fleece on the floor of the cage or as tray liners it's considered a safer option... Just something to think about

Homemade toys and accessories are fine, many of us do that but please ask questions to see what is considered safe and what isn't so you can make the best decisions about what you put in the cage. It might just save your gliders an injury or illness and you a vet bill in the long run.

General safety things
nothing with a hole smaller than 2 inches, or to small for your hand to fit in.
no loose or exposed threads or stitches
no metals like you see on bird toys, metal chains, d rings, hardware etc...

the list is really much longer than this and I'm sure others here will gladly add on it. Their are some groups on facebook that focus on safe glider toy making, supplies and where to find things if you interested let me know n I'll post some links for you.

Lulu Shahira Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 02:22:15 PM
Thanks sjusovere! #128522; will upload here when i hv a better connection #128513;
sjusovare Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 02:19:44 PM
To insert a picture, use the button with a face and an upward arrow (above the text box when you write a message)

To insert a link, use the button "insert hyperlink" (world with a infinite symbol)
Lulu Shahira Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 02:13:53 PM
Thank u so much for the spending some time to gv the advice. Sure, no problem, take yr time ^_^ The cage has no metal. But first how do i attach link and image over here? I tried before but it didnt appear in the conversation box.
Leela Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 02:04:08 PM
Ty for the added info always try to provide as much info as you can so we know the best way to give advice

there ARE issues with certain metals galvanized steel has a toxic reaction to glider urine. there are other metals that are considered unsafe as well pics of the actual cage would be very helpful.

I am walking out the door to go get groceries, and i can't give you as much info as i want to right this second. But I will check back here as soon as i get home
Lulu Shahira Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 01:45:43 PM
Thanks for yr advise sjusovare! I'll attach the link once i uploaded it.
Hi leela, thanks for the reply too. my glider is now 5months old. I had him for like a month ago n now fully bonded with me. I dont use any litter n everything in the cage is made by me n my bf. The material for the cage are cable tie, pvc pipe and mesh wire. (mention the material just in case may cause allergy that i dont know)
The bedding is some soft cloth (im not sure what the type named) inside a cloth basket. Also DIY. but i always wash the cloth. Under the cage is some papers to cover the floor from getting pee n poo by them.
nope, no bald spots no food stuck there n so far i only noticed that he "scratches" his back the most. But yup, i saw him licking his nails but i dont really observe which nail hes licking. if he only grooming himself, then i feel relieved. #128517;
Leela Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 01:22:54 PM
how old is the glider

how long have you owned it

what is IN the cage

do you use any litter or bedding in the cage?

Tjones is right I've never seen a case of gliders having fleas. Their normal grooming and combing habits look like scratching fleas.

I would be more concerned if the glider wasn't grooming or "scratching" than if they are.

Are their any patches of missing fur? that is what over grooming IS, visible bald spots.

is the glider focusing on one spot on the body or everywhere.

Is there food stuck in its fur

Lots of variables to consider before anyone can give you solid advice we need more information from you.

Their back feet have 2 grooming nails as shown in this pic. The glider "sneezes" on them or licks them to clean and comb their fur. They groom often, they will wake up to groom during the day, they groom when they wake up and before they go to bed. The second pic is of my Leela grooming "scratching" ( the pouch is not a safe pouch I was a new owner at the time ) the last pic is of Simon so you can see what over grooming is and looks like.

sjusovare Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 01:19:16 PM
The best way for videos is to post them somewhere (youtube, vimeo or anything that kind) and to post the link here.

If you just got your new glider today, it would be wise to not introduce them right away in order to establish a quarantine, that way if any of your gliders has parasites, the others will not be contaminated and you will have only one to treat. (on a side note, mines skipped the quarantine basically because my first pair broke into the new ones cage one night... but that's not something I recommend)
Lulu Shahira Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 01:11:48 PM
Sjusovare, thanks for the reply. i dont think hes overgrooming. because the way he does it looks more to scratching himself than grooming. Like cats and dogs scratching themselves. If only theres a possible way to attach the video, i would be able to show how he does it. Ive got a new glider today n hes running around to make friend with her. But he still "scratching" himself like that.
sjusovare Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 12:55:47 PM
Gliders rarely get fleas.
Are you sure that what you call scratching is not actually just normal combing during grooming?

Another point to considere would be "is he a lonely glider?", in which case what you observe could be overgrooming.
Lulu Shahira Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 12:26:11 PM
James chin, my place was very clean n i had always keep it clean. But it wont last long when my boyfriend try to "make everything convinient". N yah, thanks for mentioning that, might be one of the reason to get fleas but this room dont hv any cats or dogs.
james chin Posted - Aug 21 2016 : 12:22:00 PM
Maybe your place is really dirty. Sugar glider need clean place. You clean your place regularly?