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 Moving gliders to Europe from Malaysia

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aidreu Posted - Jan 30 2018 : 01:44:20 AM
Hi everyone. I'm an owner of 9 little sugar gliders in Malaysia. I plan on moving in with my boyfriend who lives in Europe within this year and will be bringing all 9 with me. There are no direct flights from Malaysia to Denmark so I've always had one or two transits during each trip. Travel time is usually a total of 17-22 hours including transits depending on the airline. I've been reading up on the animal regulations for Denmark and was wondering if they all apply the same even for sugar gliders.

Here is what I found:
The requirements for bringing pets to Denmark under the PET Passport scheme are as follows:
1. ISO microchip implant under the skin of the pet. Must be ISO compliant
2. Vaccinated for rabies at least 21 days prior to travel and not more than one year.
3. Treatment for ticks and fleas within 24 hours of departure.
4. Confirmation from your vet that the pet is fit to travel and does not suffer from any illnesses.
5. Your vet must be approved to provide such certification.
6. Pet must be verified to be free of rabies.

A few of my questions:
1. Does anyone have any experience with moving gliders over to Europe?
2. Did you get your glider microchipped as well?
3. What airlines would you suggest flying with?
4. Will my gliders be allowed to ride with me on the plane since they're so small and can fit into a medium sized pouch anyway?
5. What is the maximum amount of time a glider should be spending on a plane?

I appreciate any information from anyone with experience with this! Thank you <3
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
HaloMama Posted - Jul 29 2023 : 06:37:04 AM
Hi Aidreu and all,

I'm from Malaysia, my husband is from France (need to migrate to France).
Need advice whether it is possible to bring my glider to France.
What are the procedures and documents required? Thanks.
sjusovare Posted - Feb 10 2018 : 12:43:20 PM
Some countries require specific permit to detain exotic animals, others have qurantines, and some even simply forbid to detain animals which are not in their domestic list...
There is no unified regulation regarding animal ownership in europe, so that's up to Denmark to tell you exactly what they require.

the point 6) is tricky since there are no test to detect rabies afaik
mechnut450 Posted - Feb 09 2018 : 01:59:22 PM
contact the Denmark animal control people and such, there was a recent story of were someone purchased a sugar glider in Florida and traveled to the UK and they euthanized the glider and fined the pet owners cause they didn't have some license they needed to import it.
Tabbie Posted - Feb 07 2018 : 06:21:37 PM
It might also be a good idea To get a carry on luggage that’s pet friendly to give them room to stretch during the 17-22 hours, or if you can find a bathroom that’s completely closed off to let them get out some energy and clean out the pouch since they will pee and poop lol. I’m also not sure on how the elevation of a plane will effect them so maybe talk to a vet about how to handle that. The vet also might have tips on the least stressful ways to go about it all.
Tabbie Posted - Feb 07 2018 : 06:18:17 PM
Microchips tend to be for larger animals. With small animals I don’t think the same applies to them. I’d say contact your flights and talk directly to someone in charge. It’s funny, me and my boyfriend have been planning to move to a different country in the next couple of years and have had this same discussion. Also many online sites that sell gliders may be able to give you good information and tips on how to make the travel less stressful for them as well. I know they ship them in planes without microchips and the only vet records is their lineage though it may differ depending on where you are. I would make sure to call a month or so prior in case they have to make special arrangments and also call the online glider sites and see what they say! Good luck! And I wish you the best adventure!