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 Sugar Gliders
 Essential Oils (Peppermint)

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Glide-or-die Posted - May 22 2018 : 12:51:55 AM
Hey everyone!

I've read a lot of posts on here about certain essential oils to use and not to use with gliders. However, none of them mention peppermint. I have a pod that I've stuck above their cage (out of reach) and am wondering if this is an ok oil to use. I'm not cleaning with it, but just trying to help the smell of my room. Any thoughts?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Glide-or-die Posted - May 24 2018 : 10:54:17 PM
Ok, they seem to be fine. Its just a few drops in a diffuser. Thanks everyone!
sjusovare Posted - May 22 2018 : 11:48:13 AM
Leela.. mint is not by default toxic to gliders, catnip and catmint are the only 2 which are.
That being said, essential oils are concentrate (when they are real essential oil, most of the things sold in north america under that name are in fact perfume extracts, which is not the same thing) and even for human, it is not advised to be in physical contact with pure oil, so I guess you would not want to take any risk of contact.
I do use both mint, teatree and eucalyptus oils without issues, but only a few drops a day in the air purifier, never more
Leela Posted - May 22 2018 : 08:48:05 AM
mint is toxic to gliders, essential oils are 25 times ( or higher ) stronger than the plants natural strength.
Scoria Posted - May 22 2018 : 02:08:08 AM
I wouldn't put it too close to their cage, since they're sensitive to smells, and make sure it's out of their reach. Is it a little unltrasonic diffuser or what?