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Western Pygmy Possum/Sugar Gliders
Western Pygmy Possum/Sugar Gliders
Sep 12 2008
08:27:20 PM
Hey guys,
I am the proud parent of two loveable, loyal gliders and have been for about a year now. Im happy to say my female is pregnant and Im doing everything in my ability to make sure the joey is healthy and happy. I do have a question regarding a related species of possum: Cercartetus concinnus, or "Western Pygmy Possum." I work at a pet shop in Virginia and we recently received this guy and had basically now clue about it. I did some research and found out that its care is somewhat related to that of a glider. I am really interested in it($240.00!!!) and was wondering how it would do with my gliders. I have looked and looked on the internet for information on it, but have only found basic facts. Does anyone have information on the Western Pygmy possum, or any pygmy possum for that matter? If so,would it be cool around gliders? Thanks so much.I wish happiness and good health to all gliders and pet owners.
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Sep 12 2008
08:40:58 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I have no clue but would be interested in what you find out!
Sep 12 2008
08:49:36 PM
shankpa Starting Member 1 Posts
Yea Ill keep everyone pun intended. But if a dog can interact with a glider than one would there would be no problem introducing the pygmy possum to the gliders.
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Sep 12 2008
09:04:19 PM
Rach Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Rach's Photo Album 626 Posts
I would be extremely suprised if it was pygmy possum
They are endangered in Parts of Australia,
If you have a photo that would be great.
I would not put it with sugar gliders
Westerm Pygmys only weigh about 13-40grams about the size of a mouse
They eat nectar, pollen and insects
If my memory is correct the longtailed pygmy is from Indonesia maybe its is that

Edited by - Rach on Sep 12 2008 09:07:05 PM
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Sep 12 2008
09:06:10 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
If the pygmy possum is the size of a mouse, there's a good chance a glider would kill it, wouldn't it??
Sep 12 2008
09:12:09 PM
shankpa Starting Member 1 Posts
It is definately a pygmy possum man, but the thing is, I do not know what kind. Im glad u told me it is endangered. I will talk to my boss about that. In terms of housing it with the gliders, I do not really see that much of a difference in overall mass of the pygmy possum compared to the glider. The only thing that makes the glider bigger would be the tail.
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Sep 12 2008
09:15:35 PM
noeld2006 Super Glider GliderMap Visit noeld2006's Photo Album USA 371 Posts
I just looked at some pics of them and they look pretty tiny so there's a pretty good chance something bad could come out of one being housed or even introduced to a sugar glider glider.
Sep 12 2008
09:18:09 PM
shankpa Starting Member 1 Posts
yea, nvm the glider is like four times the size. i am not familiar with how gliders would deal with a smaller furry animal.
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Sep 12 2008
09:21:02 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Gliders will catch and eat mice if given the chance.
Sep 12 2008
09:35:52 PM
shankpa Starting Member 1 Posts
but its basically the size of a medium rat
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Sep 13 2008
01:28:08 AM
Rach Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Rach's Photo Album 626 Posts
can you take a picture
Unless it was smuggled from Australia like I said i seriously dont think its awestern pygmy
Sep 13 2008
08:40:11 AM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Smuggling is definitely a possibility. It's not like no one ever does anything illegal.
Sep 13 2008
09:00:12 AM
THEHYLAND Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit THEHYLAND's Photo Album FL, USA 4774 Posts
If u would please post a picture for all of us to see.
Sep 13 2008
10:48:59 AM
shankpa Starting Member 1 Posts
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Sep 13 2008
10:58:31 AM
BlindSnake Joey GliderMap Visit BlindSnake's Photo Album Australia 45 Posts
If you put that with sugar gliders they will kill and probably eat it.
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Sep 13 2008
11:13:26 AM
Rach Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Rach's Photo Album 626 Posts
Just noticed you said dog can interact with a glider.
Dogs and cats should be kept away from a gliders, they can injure and kill a glider in 2 seconds flat, if you are allowing your dog near the glider please dont, You dont want to have something bad happen.
Also your gliders would see a dog/cat as a predator
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Sep 13 2008
11:27:06 AM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Could it be a baby STO, South American Pygmy Opossum or Mouse Opossum? I seriously doubt it is from Australia.

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Sep 13 2008
01:22:08 PM
AngieH Face Hugger GliderMap Visit AngieH's Photo Album 934 Posts
I am lost... .what is it that is at the petshop? Why would anyone put any creature in with gliders? Gliders are wild animals even though they are selling them here. Gliders will eath other animals and other animals, including dogs, eat gliders. Help me to understand this please
Sep 16 2008
04:10:49 PM
floral428 Starting Member 9 Posts
Cant lie, I have no clue...

But, depending on your gliders,and how old the joeys are, I'd say its worth a shot.
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Sep 16 2008
04:38:06 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Just wondering why you would say it's worth a shot if everyone else agrees the glider might KILL and EAT it?
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Sep 17 2008
11:01:48 AM
prdycool Face Hugger GliderMap Visit prdycool's Photo Album prdycool's Journal USA 694 Posts
Wouldn't want to spend $240 and then watch the thing get eaten. Gliders are known to kill/eat small birds and mice if given the chance. As for big animals (cats/dogs) they can easily kill a little glider even if they didn't mean to. Instincts are still there no matter how tame you think your pet might be so even if it is just the instinct to chase or play it can be dangerous. One of my dogs killed a kitten we found once even though he was just trying to play with it, simply too much of a size difference. :(
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Sep 17 2008
11:03:03 AM
prdycool Face Hugger GliderMap Visit prdycool's Photo Album prdycool's Journal USA 694 Posts
Also, where in Virginia are you? I am in Charlottesville and we get some pretty strange pets in one of the local stores (it's where I got my first glider).
Sep 17 2008
11:43:22 AM
THEHYLAND Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit THEHYLAND's Photo Album FL, USA 4774 Posts
Kazko how big do those get?
Sep 17 2008
12:20:57 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
There is a reason they are called mouse or pygmy possums. That image is an adult. Some of the exotics vendors around occasionally have the mouse opossum which is prolly what this person is finding.

Sep 17 2008
12:40:22 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Western Pygmy Possum/Sugar Gliders

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Western Pygmy Possum/Sugar Gliders