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Sugar Gliders
What is your glider's favorite toy?
What is your glider's favorite toy?
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Oct 26 2011
11:21:31 AM
What toy does your glider love playing with the most?
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Oct 26 2011
11:32:24 AM
Pixie10 Super Glider Visit Pixie10's Photo Album 361 Posts
Mine have a lot of toys they like to play with :) They love the plastic braclets! I find that they carry them to their beds and sleeep with them. Also barrel of monkeys. They also really like the milk rings.
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Oct 26 2011
11:36:30 AM
BlackDrappa Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit BlackDrappa's Photo Album BlackDrappa's Journal NY, USA 1876 Posts
The only thing my babies will play with are things they can climb on...anything else they have no interest in. I'm trying to put treats in their ball pit to get them interested in that.
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Oct 26 2011
11:37:12 AM
funfair Super Glider Visit funfair's Photo Album KS, USA 345 Posts
Don't ask me why but mine love plastic snakes.. they even put them in the pouch and sleep with hte silly things..
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Oct 26 2011
11:51:00 AM
Willows Tree Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit Willows Tree's Photo Album USA 1294 Posts
I find the stupid milk jug ring is the favorite..They will chase each other miles around the cage, stealing one back & forth..
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Oct 26 2011
12:01:41 PM
adismaltheft Glider MI, USA 128 Posts
Carlos likes to hide out inside the barrel of monkeys.
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Oct 26 2011
12:07:37 PM
hypnotist321 Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit hypnotist321's Photo Album hypnotist321's Journal 1742 Posts
Spike likes to pull straws of the top of the cage and he loves the big baby toys he can crawl into and through. Baby likes the milk rings off the top of the cage and any thing she can jump and SWING on. (She notices anything different!) Lola loves the fake ivy leaves when they have a little curly loop-like end that can hang on the wires - she likes to push them over he body and hold them with her tale.
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Oct 26 2011
12:24:56 PM
Mollysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit Mollysmom's Photo Album MI, USA 2011 Posts
Without a doubt, they love their Wodent Wheels! Hands down, those are their favorites.

They also love their barrels of monkeys, and drinking straws.
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Oct 26 2011
12:48:00 PM
Pixie10 Super Glider Visit Pixie10's Photo Album 361 Posts
If your babies love the straws they will love the Straw Craze from My babies LOVE that toy!
Research Information
Oct 26 2011
02:05:20 PM
RChurch Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit RChurch's Photo Album RChurch's Journal USA 1377 Posts
The Fast Track Wheel, the Ball Pit and this toy I made:

What is it with Suggies and plastic rings, huh?
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Oct 26 2011
02:07:56 PM
adismaltheft Glider MI, USA 128 Posts
I basically want to make the set of American Gladiators for my sugar gliders.
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Oct 26 2011
02:28:15 PM
Resuko Glider GliderMap Visit Resuko's Photo Album USA 147 Posts
I'm with BlackDrappa, mine have no interest in toys, they "suffer" the ballpit to get treats but thats about it :(
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Oct 26 2011
02:31:57 PM
hottness Super Glider 240 Posts
I have spent a ton on baby toys, ball pits, fleece to make toys and ropes, bird toys, wheels, and whatever else...but their favorite is the milk rings. Every morning I find them missing and every night I check their pouch and there they are :) makes me smile every time!! They also have a strawberry hideout that if I put extra fleece scrapes in the cage, they will stuff those and the milk rings into the hideout hole.
Research Information
Oct 26 2011
04:13:15 PM
RChurch Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit RChurch's Photo Album RChurch's Journal USA 1377 Posts
Milk rings? Really? Where do you put them originally before they end up in the pouches?
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Oct 26 2011
04:18:40 PM
hottness Super Glider 240 Posts
oh yes try it out and yours will probably love them as well!! Make sure and wash them very well(I use water jug rings since Im lactose intolerant but drink alot of water) and hang them from the top of the cage

Research Information
Oct 26 2011
04:55:42 PM
hottness Super Glider 240 Posts
2nd to plain ole milk rings, I would say they play the most in their pirate ship. They hang out in there the most, and even roll around and tackle each other in it.

Research Information
Oct 26 2011
05:15:19 PM
RChurch Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit RChurch's Photo Album RChurch's Journal USA 1377 Posts
LOVE the pics!

Yeah, I don't drink milk either (except for Almond Milk & that comes in a carton) so I was going to do the water jug rings too! LOL! Yay! Gonna try that tonight! Thanks for the tip!

(As if they don't have ENOUGH toys...but I like spoiling them. I can't believe I lived before they came into my life. )
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Oct 26 2011
05:32:46 PM
Mollysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit Mollysmom's Photo Album MI, USA 2011 Posts
I hear ya! I have waaaaay too much for them...yet I find myself drawn to the toy isle at the thrift stores for more.
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Oct 26 2011
06:01:11 PM
Althalus Glider Visit Althalus's Photo Album Althalus's Journal 116 Posts
Norm's favorite toy is a small tube wrapped in foam ( i put a meal worm in tube) which dangles from a string. Norm will only glide for this toy, but it shows their true inner predator! I will try and get a video of her.
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Oct 26 2011
08:39:28 PM
Zoe0206 Glider Visit Zoe0206's Photo Album FL, USA 86 Posts
Mine LOVE their stealth wheel. Besides the wheel the girls don't play with too much besides the milk rings. My boy is very playfull:) The other day he was rolling around on the bottem of his cage, I thought something was wronge with him. He was playing with a Halloween spider ring (ring cut so it can't get it stuck on his head). It was so cute like a cat playing with a ball of yarn. I also gave him some childs toy that is a train and you push a button and it sings "I've been working on the railroad" he jumps on it again and again. He even slept in it the first night I gave it to him:)
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Oct 26 2011
08:42:42 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Straws, hands down.
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Oct 26 2011
09:42:48 PM
Something_To_Believe_In Face Hugger Visit Something_To_Believe_In's Photo Album 647 Posts
Make sure your milk rings are split - if they are not the split ones, cut them. Otherwise not safe.

My gliders rarely play with items made for other animals or human babies. However, they pretty much all (even rescues) will play with toys created specifically for sugar gliders. One of the ways that our reputable vendors serve this community and our gliders is by studying their play habits and interests and then creating toys that feed those interests and stimulate those play habits. The result is that gliders are interested in exploring and playing with these toys, even if they show no interest in other types of things that we give them to entertain them.

These are a few of my gliders favorite toys:

The also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their toy boxes and feathers from my birds.

Here are photos of some of my gliders at play:

Edited by - Something_To_Believe_In on Oct 26 2011 09:43:36 PM
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Oct 26 2011
10:40:33 PM
LuuLuu Face Hugger GliderMap Visit LuuLuu's Photo Album USA 970 Posts
mine like bottle caps, straws, and just fleece squares. I had the little barrel of monkeys in there, but i was afraid the tiny monkeys would choke them if they bit an arm off or something
What is your glider's favorite toy?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
What is your glider's favorite toy?