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Sugar Gliders
New Ocala, Florida Sugar Glider Rescue
New Ocala, Florida Sugar Glider Rescue
May 10 2012
01:57:03 PM
I would like to put it out there that I have started a Sugar Glider Rescue in Ocala, Florida. I have been taking in unwanted and homeless gliders and finding them loving "forever" homes. Please spread the word for me! I am on Facebook under Ocala Sugar Glider Rescue. Thanks!!!

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May 10 2012
03:09:04 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
Jamie - while I have no doubt your heart is in the right place, you are not yet ready to declare yourself a "Glider Rescue".

You have had your own gliders for about 2 months.

Animal Rescue (any species) requires a great deal of experience in care for the animals that will be surrendered to you. Most will come with nothing. Many will come sick, malnourished, with parasites or severe injuries that require specific skils to manage.

Please read this information:

You may be actively taking in gliders in need of new homes, and placing them with other owners - but that does not make you a glider rescue.

If you charge a fee for the gliders you take in, you may need to qualify for a USDA Broker's License.

Please contact Val Betts (SomethingtoBeliveIn) or Ed (Lucky Glider) for more information on the work involved in being a Sugar Glider Rescue. Closer to home, you can also contact Kate. She is not on line much but runs SouthEast Sugar Glider Rescue and Sanctuary

These folks can help you learn more about the requirements to be a Sugar Glider Rescue, not just someone helping to re-home gliders.
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May 10 2012
03:38:54 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
..and I'm only asking because others will, but are you licensed?
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May 11 2012
09:08:20 AM
Jaime911 Joey Visit Jaime911's Photo Album 43 Posts
I am in the process of getting my not for profit status with the IRS right now. I have a friend of mine who is an attorney that is working on getting me licensed.
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May 11 2012
09:09:39 AM
Jaime911 Joey Visit Jaime911's Photo Album 43 Posts
I've also been in contact with some local vets who are willing to help in anyway they can.
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May 11 2012
09:14:50 AM
Jaime911 Joey Visit Jaime911's Photo Album 43 Posts
Thanks for the info! I just contacted South East Gliders!
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May 11 2012
12:06:49 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
Jamie - what is the name of your corporation?

You do not need an attorney to apply for a USDA Broker's License. There are no other license requirements for a sugar glider rescue in Florida.
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May 11 2012
12:10:03 PM
GreenEyedMuse Glider Visit GreenEyedMuse's Photo Album USA 105 Posts
To be not for profit she must obtain that from the IRS and that can be a headache. I think that's what the lawyer is for.
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May 11 2012
12:11:23 PM
GreenEyedMuse Glider Visit GreenEyedMuse's Photo Album USA 105 Posts
And if she has any type of adoption contract, it's best to have them done by a lawyer so everything is worded correctly (at least that is my experience with dog rescue)
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May 11 2012
01:06:36 PM
Jaime911 Joey Visit Jaime911's Photo Album 43 Posts
Yes I have the attorney going over the adoption contract. And the Not for Profit application was a huge headache! Not to mention I heard it can take awhile for them to get to it.
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May 11 2012
01:09:44 PM
Jaime911 Joey Visit Jaime911's Photo Album 43 Posts
It's under the name Ocala Sugar Glider Rescue
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May 11 2012
01:16:45 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
I guess your documents are still being processed by the State of Florida - it is not yet listed at
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May 11 2012
02:30:54 PM
Jaime911 Joey Visit Jaime911's Photo Album 43 Posts
Correct they are in the process
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May 11 2012
03:00:11 PM
ResaJane Face Hugger Visit ResaJane's Photo Album 411 Posts
Well Jaime, it looks like you are well on your way and you have been doing your research. Good luck for a speedy process and I hope that you continue to get the support you need to start helping our unwanted suggies. My BFF was just hired onto Florida Highway Patrol and he is being "stationed" in the Ocala area so perhaps I'll come by and visit when I go visit my friends in Florida (if that is alright with you). I do plan on retiring in Florida somewhere and Ocala is horse country (I have a senior horse) so you may have a long term volunteer in your future lol.

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May 13 2012
01:11:12 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
Jamie - <blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">I have been taking in unwanted and homeless gliders and finding them loving "forever" homes.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

How many gliders have you found homes for?

Did you have these gliders seen by a vet while in your possession? Were the males neutered before going to their new homes?
May 13 2012
01:21:38 PM
TheHomermomma Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit TheHomermomma's Photo Album 1332 Posts
You have to have a license through the Florida Fish and Wildlife. They require that you have an evacuation plan, emergency vet, vet inspection and the cages must be at least 4'x4' for 2 gliders and then 1'x1' extra for each additional glider. If you are advertising as a rescue before you have all your licenses you can get serious fines and get your gliders confiscated. The fee for the license is $50.
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May 14 2012
12:37:12 PM
Jaime911 Joey Visit Jaime911's Photo Album 43 Posts
Great! Thank you for all the info! It's very helpful to me. Resa I would love to have you stop by and see my place. I work in Law Enforcement myself for the Sheriff's Office. It's very beautiful up here. :-)
New Ocala, Florida Sugar Glider Rescue

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
New Ocala, Florida Sugar Glider Rescue