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Sugar Gliders
Upper Respiratory Infection?
Upper Respiratory Infection?
Health related
Apr 01 2007
10:31:41 AM
My husband and I have had viral bronchial infections for almost 2 weeks now. It's been going all around our little town. Anyway,as soon as we were diagnosed, I called a couple of the vets in St Louis to make certain that my Suggies couldn't get it from us. I was assured that they could NOT.

It appears that Tosca is feeling puny. She hasnt been eating well for the last 2 days. She doesnt appear to have any of the symptoms of an upper respiratory infection - Just not eating well. Im worried that somehow she may have gotten a secondary bacterial infection from us????

I called 4 vets yesterday - 2 of them were out of town and 2 didnt call me back. I have already made calls this morning. I think she probably needs some amoxicillin to get her over this. Im making certain that she is drinking by giving her pedialyte from a syringe every couple of hours. I have also been giving her food as licky treats - which she will take some, but not as much as she needs.

She appears to be doing better this morning. She readily drank about 4 syringes full of pedialyte and ate 8 mealies and a little bit of yogurt as a licky treat.

My question to all of you is (sorry I took the loooooong way to get to my point - I stayed up last night- worried):

Can Suggies get upper respiratory infections from us????
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Apr 01 2007
10:52:49 AM
tootles Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap tootles's Journal 1981 Posts
Rita, I have been told when I worked with the vets that dogs and cats can catch colds from us. But I am not sure about gliders. I have been haveing colds all winter because the kids get them in school and bring them home. I haven't had one catch it yet.
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Apr 01 2007
02:22:12 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
It seems that suggies can not get viral infections from us - BUT they can get bacterial infections. Sometimes, human viral infections can turn into bacterial as a secondary infection and that is when we can transmit from human to animal.

Even tho we have practiced the best hygiene we could,constantly washing our hands,covering mouths when coughing, etc - with 2 of us having this so badly, it has been almost impossible not to spread it. My mother has it, several of my co-workers have it..... More than likely the suggies got it from me as I am their primary care giver.

So, Tosca will need to go on antibiotics to get rid of a possible bacterial infection that she got from either myself or my husband. I am going to the vet tomorrow morning before work to pick up her amoxicillin. She is doing better today. I have been giving both of them Pedialyte from a syringe about every 2 hours. I also mixed some of their nectar with Pedialyte, warmed it and fed it from a syringe - which they both willing took like little piggies. And Tosca ate meal worms today. All good signs!!! I just hope they dont get spoiled and think they are going to eat like this all the time!!!

Now - to get myself and hubby back to the Dr to get 2nd rounds of antibiotics. Maybe we can get everyone in this house well!
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Apr 01 2007
09:53:02 PM
jungleflockmom Glider 175 Posts
Some bacterial infections can cross species. Most viruses are species specific and need an intermediary host to mutate (essentially become a different virus) and infect another species. A few viruses can infect a variety of species - certain bordatellae, distemper, rabies. Your respiratory viruses are highly unlikely to infect your gliders.

Your animals cannot catch the human cold. They are very unlikely to catch a respiratory bacterial infection from you. It is always good hygiene practice to avoid kissing your animals, avoid coughing on them and washing your hands before and after you handle them.
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Apr 02 2007
03:37:11 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
It could be just a coincidence that she got sick the same time we did. Her symptoms are a little popping noise when she breathes, not eating well and sleeping alot. Today - she has a little bit of a runny nose. So she is on Amoxi-drops for 10 days. Of course - she doesnt want to take her medicine - and Tilly was grabbing for the syringe!!!!

This morning - she was running as fast and furious in her wheel as she normally does. So - with a little bit of medicine, she will be back to new before we know it!!!
Upper Respiratory Infection?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Upper Respiratory Infection?