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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
NEW CAGE that I built and Baby Nemo pics!!!
NEW CAGE that I built and Baby Nemo pics!!!
Feb 02 2010
12:06:26 AM
OK, here it is before I cut out the doors and put anything in it

And after I cut out the doors and decorated. I still need to find a better way to fix the doors, but I will do that tomorrow.

And here is New baby pics!

Nemo holding on to Mama Carly

Regan on my head, Nemo in my hand, Carly and Bella on my leg

Shoes anyone?

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Feb 02 2010
12:24:21 AM
chupraki Joey 30 Posts
just adorable!!!
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Feb 02 2010
01:06:28 AM
Megs06 BANNED_ACCOUNT Gliderpedia Editor Visit Megs06's Photo Album USA 1 Posts
Oh that is just TOO darned adorable!!!!!
Feb 02 2010
06:21:07 AM
sbear3s Face Hugger Visit sbear3s's Photo Album 745 Posts
Nice cage! Adorable suggies.
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Feb 02 2010
09:36:19 AM
filly47 Goofy Gorillatoes Gliderpedia Editor Visit filly47's Photo Album USA 2330 Posts
Beautiful cageand adorable guys you have! You have a full house don't you?
Feb 02 2010
10:42:37 AM
Hannah2010 Glider GliderMap Visit Hannah2010's Photo Album 177 Posts
I love your cage, you'll have to let us know how the wood holds up. I've always heard it absorbs smell and urine. But I LOVE the look of wood!! Keep us posted
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Feb 02 2010
02:18:54 PM
DaCoSim Super Glider Visit DaCoSim's Photo Album 330 Posts
Yeah. I am not sure bout the wood either, because of that, but I clean regularly and Grem is fixed (btw, how long does it take for his bald spot to fill back in after getting the snip snip?) Still plan top put it on wheels and I still need to find a way to do the doors. Any suggestions there?
Feb 02 2010
04:19:58 PM
Hannah2010 Glider GliderMap Visit Hannah2010's Photo Album 177 Posts
i'm gunna have my boyfriend take a look at your cage and see what he thinks. He's a carpentat and a construction worker so he's my go to man. I'll let you know what he thinks about the doors.

I'm wondering if a laquer would be safe around gliders. Like the kind they use on cribs with babies. That would keep the wood from soaking up odor and urine.

Is it heavy?
And did you use metal wire?
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Feb 02 2010
04:41:04 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I love Regan's curly q tail! As far as the bald spot, I noticed it getting smaller after a week or two and then gone by a month.
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Feb 02 2010
06:43:33 PM
DaCoSim Super Glider Visit DaCoSim's Photo Album 330 Posts
Hannah -- Its pretty heavy but not too bad. My wire is vinyl coated metal chicken wire. What I did was just cut out the doors off the wire. On the pics, where you see the white string type stuff is where the doors are. But because it is wire, I am afraid that anything I use to close it will still kind of bend since it is wire. What I did was use more wire and zip tie it on one side and I just used pipe cleaners to close it for now, but that would be kind of a pain to do all the time. I though about maybe using velcro.

Kyro -- hmmmm I had grem done quite a while back. Regan ALWAYS has the curled up scorpion tail! She is funny that way!
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Feb 02 2010
07:14:31 PM
LuckyGlider Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit LuckyGlider's Photo Album LuckyGlider's Journal TX, USA 5266 Posts
Wow they are lucky to have such a nice big cage. Good for you! Good job! i hope they love it
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Feb 02 2010
09:04:06 PM
Dahlia_2020 Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Dahlia_2020's Photo Album SC, USA 1419 Posts
It looks great, hon! Good job!
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Feb 03 2010
02:59:10 AM
PW Face Hugger Visit PW's Photo Album 559 Posts
Just to let you know, I have had my wooden framed cage for over three years now and it is not smelly at all.

Great cage and your babies are sweet.
NEW CAGE that I built and Baby Nemo pics!!!

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
NEW CAGE that I built and Baby Nemo pics!!!