snowboard Starting Member USA
8 Posts
Poll Question:
I researcher for 2 months around ...and it payed off...i got my glider and my report that i did on them went into a vet magazine.
Honestly I dont think children should have gliders at all. They are too complex for kids to understand. If an adult is prepared to help that is great and I can see how it would be a great family experience. Assuming your mom is a competent Vet, I do feel a little better about you having them. Although, I really don't want to visit this forum in 5 years to see that you want to rehome them because you are "too busy" to take care of them anymore. LittleMissGliderLover Joey 31 Posts I am only 14, but I have a sugar glider and looking for another. But, I am responsible. I have her in the bonding pouch all on weekends and from 3pm to 7:30pm when I get home from school. And, I play with her in my room from 9:00pm-midnight or later. I did do many months of research before actually getting one though. I just really love animals--especially suggies. I know what you mean about like kids not having them. I can't imagine any of my friends to be responsible enough. It is a lot of work, but I give mine a great home no matter my age. DuDex Joey  Canada 31 Posts I don't know how long you should research - but definately a good amount of time. I have been interested in Sugar Gliders for the past 5 years but it took me 6 months of research before I finally got myself my own pair. I couldn't be any happier and am sure glad I did the research that I did ! Yvonne Fox Joey  NC, USA 38 Posts I researched for about 2 1/2 years before I got my first ones. I still research every chance I get in case I run across something I did not know before. All 10 of my gliders are happy for it too!! anjuli503 Face Hugger     USA 823 Posts i couldnt really answer this poll i dont think theres a timeline on researching. Some people take it in better than others. You should go at your own pace, and learn all you can about them, and ask people for their honest openion is about getting a glider. outsiders can see a lot you cant. Even after you get a glider your research still needs to continue if you wish to be a good owner. but with that said i dont think children should have gliders. I think maybe their parents can, and the child could help with the care of the glider, but a child should not be the sole caretaker. Also i got one of mine without knowing much at all. He was my bf's and when my bf moved he couldnt take him, so i had been around him a bit, and given him his food once in a while but i really didnt know anything!thank goodness bumbum was perfect, and my bf already had him on decent diet! so i did my research and took a crash course basically! i took everything in i could and kept going. a while later i ended up getting 2 more, and they werent fromt he best homes, so they werent in the best shape or had the best attitude and boy am i glad i had done research. If i ended up with theses 2 as my first it would have been tough for a very long time! to this day even though my little ones have passed i continue to keep myself updated and do research. I dont think i'll ever know it all. One day( hopefully soon as we are in the process of buying a house!) I will get more.
Some photos from our members lollysdaddy Joey 36 Posts i have to agree with the last quote of Stripedfire... "Age doesn't matter. It's mindset." Very well said... I'm 18 and was given my glider, a cage (small 1.5x2.5x3 bird cage), and a bag of dried food from a friend who was allergic and had no experience or idea of anything about them at all, for a $100 and had no experence myself... After getting the glider, i started studying gliders and spending hours, sometimes nights, at a time looking up as much as i could... i have now had my glider since about January, and would think of myself as a good caretaker... i now have two gliders in a 3.5x2x5.5 cage that i built myself, who are on a BML diet, and have many toys and a lot of play time... i don't believe age is an adequate measure of responsibility... Granted, i may move out soon, but i will only move into a place that will allow caged pets, it's just another sacrifice... lollysdaddy Joey 36 Posts only things i disagree with is, sorry, but you should never say you know everything about anything... And even if you are educated and ready, that isn't always enough... i would be sure that your parents are 100 percent supportive of you... I mean, even if you are the sole provider, at your age, i'm pretty sure you don't have a job... And if you have a glider and have an emergency, and need to take it to the vet, i'm guessing you would not be able to pay for it... That is where you would need the complete support of someone else... You would need to be sure that if u needed to take you glider to the vet, your parents would help you, no questions asked... I'm not saying you shouldn't have one... I respect the idea that you've done so much research at your age and i think that that shows responsibility... I'm just saying this for the sake of your future gliders... Just make sure that your not taking in pets that you can't care for, no matter what their need is... itsmel730 Joey 15 Posts I've been researching sugar gliders for about a week or two now. That may seem like a short time, but when I say research them, I've really researched them. I've been online finding out every possible thing I can all day for days. I can't wait to get my new little guys so this is the only thing for me to do! And anytime I think of anything I'm not sure of, I ask someone on here or another suggie website. I feel that I'll be ready in a week or two! I never did any research and got mine when I was 14 as an impulse buy (we learned about them in VBS and they were colored pink and I wanted a pink flying kangaroo) and I've had mine for several healthy years... my mom helped a bit but in the end they were my responsibility. MaekjusMommy Joey 45 Posts Im a homeschooled 16 year old and wanted a glider for years but to be honest would have never gotten one if i hadnt had rescued Mae. I did research for years and i still dont know everything. Ive done odd jobs for years and i have an emergency vet fund of 700 dollars. I completely agree that age doesnt matter. I dont think most teenagers should have gliders but some can. minime3 Glider  USA 50 Posts I had less than 24 hrs to research before I got Mine! I had heard of sugar gliders but never saw one or thought of owning one. But after a desperate phone call one night, I had my Minnie the next morning! That was about too months ago! I still am looking for anything I can on them. I'm feeling a lot more relaxed and comfortable, thanks to this site and the wonderful knowledgeable people on this site ( thank you Leela  ) but I will never stop researching because new things are always being discovered. I have worked with dogs and cats for over 25 years but I still learn new things about them! Also I am a big advocate for children having pets and being responsible for them as long as there is a responsible adult overseeing them. Animals can teach us so much! I couldn't imagine life growing up without animals. They have kept me grounded for sure! I feel Minnie came into my life at just the right time, I could've been more prepared but we both survived and I wouldn't have had it any other way! RedGliderLover Starting Member 9 Posts It depends on what information you find. I happen to know a breeder in my area and someone who has had suggie's for years. I've only done about a weeks worth of research, but I've decided my breeder, what diet I'm going to use, where I'm going to get my supplies, when I'm going to get my glider, how to take care of them, a vet in my area that sees gliders, the location of my cage, what I'm going to do when I go out of town, and all the downsides and troubles of owning a suggie. I believe that it's not how long you research, but what you find when you research. I still am researching about sugar gliders, but I believe that if I needed to I could care for a suggie right now. Another great way to research suggies is to ask questions and get advice from suggie owners on this forum. Anyone can own a suggie if they are responsible and patient enough. Well, that's my imput. Have a great day everyone! -RedGliderLover WesleyHearts Starting Member MO, USA 4 Posts I'm pretty new here, and fairly new to owning sugar gliders. I first started researching sugar gliders almost a year and a half ago when I saw them at a ComicCon (you know who was selling them - I'm glad I didn't buy gliders right away from them!). I've been researching them ever since, and my research continues as I just got three lovely babies for free from a local breeder that needed them gone. It's their breeding pair and the male's sister. I'm learning that they may have not been the best owners, as they were just feeding them glide-r-chow with some of the other pp products (excluding the hpw mix), and some cut up cantaloupe every night. No variety! The gliders were very grateful when I gave them some apples and other fruits & veggies. The previous owners never interacted with them, but I'm making a surprising amount of progress with the two females! By the way, I'm 17, in my junior year of High School, taking care of these three babies on my own. I think with the right amount of determination and willpower, even younger people can learn to take good care of these amazing creatures. 
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