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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Is she pregnant?
Is she pregnant?
Aug 01 2008
09:08:48 PM
What do you think? Normal girly pooch or babies in pouch? We saw what we thought was zoey in labor cause she was straining and licking her belly a couple weeks ago.... but its hard to tell if we imagined it or if im imagining the lumps... can you tell me if you see lumps or if its in my head? Aiden got neutered today and is doing wonderfully well. So if these are lumps they will be the only ones... and yes I know to get any male joeys neutered asap. Opinions?

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Aug 01 2008
09:19:39 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
It's really hard to see clearly...
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Aug 01 2008
09:31:41 PM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
yea the first one came out kinda bad, but the bottom two definitely have roundness that i never noticed before. and she just ran sideways up my arm and the roundness was like hanging to the side... plus she is spending a lot more time on the floor just kinda sitting on her butt bent over than before. not really sure but i thought wed be able to tell from these pics.
Aug 01 2008
10:54:24 PM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
Yeah she looks pregnant.Is her cage galvanized wire?
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Aug 01 2008
11:22:01 PM
SuggieBoi Super Glider GliderMap Visit SuggieBoi's Photo Album TX, USA 271 Posts
yes she does look pregnant to me too
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Aug 02 2008
06:00:55 AM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
I am not really sure. I have two cages both of them given to me by the people who had my gliders first. The cage she is in in the picture was given to me by someone far more knowledgeable to me in gliders and she said the metal type was ok for them. its not like chicken wire if thats what you mean.

also - my vet said to keep them separate for 7 days so she doesnt open up his cut, but people on here have said they put them back the same day. i have the two cages on top of each other so they can talk and they don't seem frazzled at all from being away from each other (previous to my owning them they were both lone gliders so they are probably used to this) - any thoughts though on whether its ok for them to be apart so long while she is pregnant?
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Aug 02 2008
06:03:41 AM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
and for the record - when i move out of this house in February when I get married I am getting an Exel cage - which is actually a little smaller than this wood cage that I have but I want to have both of them set up for my munchkins.
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Aug 02 2008
08:36:15 AM
sugarnanny Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit sugarnanny's Photo Album 1000 Posts
maybe it will be girls, what a wonderful thing, a small colony, I wish they, had babies before I got Devildog fixed
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Aug 02 2008
08:47:26 AM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
Yea. When we were driving Aiden to the neuter yesterday FI said "I hope zoey really is pregnant because this would be their last chance, and if she isnt they will never get to be parents". but i didn't think she was yet until last night seeing those very prominent lumps that even seemed to be moving a little at times i am pretty certain - but i wanted to check with you guys. fi is hoping for girls too - lol to cover his wallet LOL for the neuters.

so i guess we need to be taking tent times as long as possible now to maximize bonding with zoey before she has joeys.
Aug 02 2008
09:01:53 AM
dizzysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit dizzysmom's Photo Album dizzysmom's Journal IN, USA 3882 Posts
Congratulations probably. It is a little hard to tell. Especially to an untrained eye such as mine. My suggies have never had joeys before, but I think my Squeezles may have lumps. How on earth did you manage to get a photo of her belly? I'm having trouble getting just a glimpse of Squeezles tummy, let alone a photo.
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Aug 02 2008
09:33:45 AM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
Zoey digs me a lot. I have only had her a few months and she already is way more attached to me than Aiden who Ive had over a year. So when I come close she always gets as close to me in the cage as she can. And if I open the door she runs and jumps to me usually. I thought that would change if she was pregnant becoming more protective of her babies but it really hasnt.

Last night I was trying to put her back in my cage so I could go make their dinner and I couldnt get her off me. So I took her with me and then of course when she got out in the kitchen and the dog started barking at her she freaked and started biting my neck. LOL. she cracks me up.
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Aug 02 2008
09:36:12 AM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
whats really cute is how she likes to wake me up. this morning she kept calling to me. i would wake up and ask her to go back to sleep and she would be quiet for a while. but finally i got up and she ran right to me - since she finished her dinner and aiden didnt i grabbed some of aidens food and put it in her cage and as i was passing her she jumped in the bowl, grabbed some food, ate it and went right to sleep. i think its really cool how they are totally aware that their food comes from me and that im the one to call to when they are hungry. yesterday when i woke up (after depriving them of food since midnight cause of aidens surgery) they ran right to me and both jumped on me looking for food.

after i took aiden out i gave zoey the food back and she ravashed it. and went nuts on her water bottle too - it was adorable
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Aug 02 2008
04:07:31 PM
SuggieBoi Super Glider GliderMap Visit SuggieBoi's Photo Album TX, USA 271 Posts
Dizzys mom, take squeeze out of the cage and hold her, slowly pull back her back towards u so expose the belly, thats how i get to see lucifers lumps.
Aug 02 2008
04:54:36 PM
dizzysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit dizzysmom's Photo Album dizzysmom's Journal IN, USA 3882 Posts
I'll give that a shot! I'm a little concerned about trying it because she's just now trusting me enough to climb on me. Dizzy doesn't mind being held at all, but Squeezles gets spooked easily. If I lose a finger, can I send you the ER bill?
Aug 02 2008
11:53:06 PM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts

jrockkim, in this photo it totally looks like its galvanized wire and has major corroding. From what everyone says and the stuff i read(ok, i just look at the pictures) galvanized is bad and can cause UTI.She sure looks prego. Good luck

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Aug 03 2008
06:26:25 AM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
How would I find out if its galvanized? I know to look for rust and there is none. But also Lisa (previous zoey momma) had four gliders in here from birth to maturity for years and years and never had any health problems until she had to move and find homes for her gliders.

to be safe i will just get an exel when I can. but this is really a great cage for now since its sooo huge and there hasnt been any health issues.
Aug 03 2008
06:43:11 AM
dizzysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit dizzysmom's Photo Album dizzysmom's Journal IN, USA 3882 Posts
No offense, but you can live on a ranch with a rattlesnake for many years, and never have a problem until you step on him.

This is almost certainly galvanized wire. Here's an article (directed toward bird owners) that explains the dangers:

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Aug 03 2008
10:30:34 AM
Ahsaehr Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Ahsaehr's Photo Album Ahsaehr's Journal USA 3478 Posts
I don't see how that cage doesn't stink up your whole house. Galvanized wire absorbs urine (Which is why ther is a safety issue) and smells reallly bad.
Aug 03 2008
11:45:32 AM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
allright. well ill get the exel as soon as i can then. no it doesnt really smell that bad. and i clean it every week.
Aug 03 2008
05:11:33 PM
THEHYLAND Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit THEHYLAND's Photo Album FL, USA 4774 Posts
If she is prego good luck.
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Aug 03 2008
05:13:35 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
In that second pic, she does look prego to me too.
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Aug 04 2008
08:28:19 AM
jrockkim Super Glider GliderMap Visit jrockkim's Photo Album USA 340 Posts
yea - its seeming that way. glad i got aiden neutered when I did. :) its funny though that they were together so long before any mating occurred.
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Aug 04 2008
09:59:37 AM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
There are definitely cases where they wait YEARS before having joeys. No idea why.
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Aug 04 2008
02:14:35 PM
Ahsaehr Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Ahsaehr's Photo Album Ahsaehr's Journal USA 3478 Posts
Ren and leia have been together a year and haven't mated. Ren tries to but Leia wont let him. He is going for his pre-neuter wellness exam tomorrow and neutered soon.
Is she pregnant?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Is she pregnant?