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Sugar Gliders
Outdoor cages
Outdoor cages
May 10 2009
10:00:30 PM
Does anyone keep suggie cages outdoors? I would do it, but I know of a cat that wanders into my yard sometimes and I don't want to potentially put my gliders in danger. (There was also a dog that got through a hole in a fence between me and my neighbor's yard. The fence is fixed now though.) Any opinions on this?
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May 10 2009
10:29:34 PM
lovely1inred Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit lovely1inred's Photo Album 1144 Posts
There have been a few threads on this before. I think you can if you build the structure right and have good weather for it. I've looked at some outdoor bird aviaries, and it has a lot of tips for things like drainage and making sure there are appropriate amounts of shade, etc. It seems a general consensus to have a double-door airlock type system just in case you have a glider prone to escaping. Other animals are a concern, and I think it was also concluded that the mesh screening done double would help.
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May 10 2009
10:37:16 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
This is a nice outdoor cage.

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May 10 2009
10:48:49 PM
stepakapets101 Super Glider GliderMap Visit stepakapets101's Photo Album stepakapets101's Journal Canada 366 Posts
kazko do you keep your gliders in there!!! lol.
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May 11 2009
12:28:55 AM
Reenabee Super Glider Visit Reenabee's Photo Album 264 Posts
man...If I had that...there would be a kangaroo in there or something...not a sugar glider...that is awesome
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May 11 2009
12:42:32 AM
Tortiebaby Glider Visit Tortiebaby's Photo Album IL, USA 159 Posts
Wow, that's an awesome enclosure! The only problem I see though, is that gliders would drown in the water. :

I wouldn't recommend keeping gliders outside. There aren't many places here in the US that would have the suitable climate for them and there is too much of a risk of wild animals being able to get to them. A stray dog could easily tear up a cage if they wanted to.
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May 11 2009
03:11:15 AM
our2girlz Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit our2girlz's Photo Album United States 2362 Posts
The weather where I live is way to unpredictable. I bet they would love it if they could be outside though.
May 11 2009
04:49:25 AM
Jett Face Hugger GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Jett's Photo Album Jett's Journal Australia 681 Posts
I keep my gliders outside all year round and we do have some stray cats that hang around but the gliders mainly stay on the top of the cages. You could double wire an enclosure for safety and perhaps put you gliders out when the weather is ok, they would love it.

Thats the aviaries behind the tree in the middle of my backyard. We had snow last winter and an extremely hot summer and I only brought them inside on a few of the hot days when it was over 100degrees but they always spent the night outside. Our temperatures vary from 35 degrees any where up to 113 degrees. We do do things to cool down the aviaries like add frozen peas in there beds or water down the cages and make sure they have shade over there cages in the heat of the day. Then in winter I always make sure they have plenty of fleece in their nest boxes
May 11 2009
08:11:55 AM
katies mom Super Glider GliderMap Visit katies mom's Photo Album 246 Posts
Could you take your cage outside like a playpen and put it on grass and dandilions so they would have an outdoor playtime?
May 11 2009
08:18:32 AM
suggieluvr Super Glider Visit suggieluvr's Photo Album suggieluvr's Journal USA 394 Posts
I would be cautious of taking them out and putting them on the ground like a play pen unless you are sure that no fertilizers have been used on or anywhere near the grass.
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May 11 2009
08:27:15 AM
lovely1inred Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit lovely1inred's Photo Album 1144 Posts
You'd have to take them out there at night if you want them to play...I wouldn't myself. I just don't think I'd see well enough in the dark if one got out, and there's no way I could catch one outside in the dark.
May 11 2009
08:30:17 AM
Keri Glider Visit Keri's Photo Album 83 Posts
WOW these are some awsome outdoor cages. We have thought about buliding one outside. Thanks for the ideas.
May 11 2009
09:40:08 PM
TnS_glider_luv Joey Visit TnS_glider_luv's Photo Album TX, USA 42 Posts
Kazko, looking at that pic makes me think "You call that a cage? It's a freaking zoo exhibit!"
Outdoor cages

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Outdoor cages