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Sugar Gliders
Giant bald spot?
Giant bald spot?
Jul 09 2009
11:36:11 PM
I have had Tigger for three months now and he came to me with a big bald spot (see pics). I took him to the vet and he said he was old but in good health. I got him neutered two weeks ago and I was wondering if his bald spot will shrink or stay the same. I don't believe he is overgrooming...

Jul 09 2009
11:47:18 PM
swithers Face Hugger Visit swithers's Photo Album USA 423 Posts
Hes a cute little bald guy! Im new to this and have girls so Im not sure if the spot will shrink. It does look kinda big. There are some REALY experienced people on this site so Im sure you will get an answer.
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Jul 09 2009
11:57:42 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
Out of three males, I had one that took a good 2 months for his bald spot to go away. He was also a full blown adult and the other two were not so that may have something to do with it.
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Jul 10 2009
12:13:23 AM
lovely1inred Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit lovely1inred's Photo Album 1144 Posts
That big a bald spot I would say is overgrooming. Oreo has two over his eyes, separate from his oil patch, that were completely bald and are starting to fill in. He was neutered the week before I got him, and his oil spot is filling in as well, but very slowly and seems almost to have stopped now. His other patches aren't filling in fast enough for me either. I'm investigating diet further right now but I would say your little guy's patch will fill in as well though it will take time for that big a patch to re-grow.
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Jul 10 2009
02:41:41 AM
claytonsmith087 Joey Visit claytonsmith087's Photo Album 28 Posts
Hi I am new to owning gliders as well, but maybe I can give some insight? My male has a bald spot which is as large as yours. He is not neutered but I think the spot is larger because he rubs it all over our female and on his fleece things in his cage. If I took a guess I would say that he has lost hair due to the friction from rubbing everywhere. Maybe that is why the bald spot is larger than normal?
Jul 10 2009
04:47:28 AM
dizzysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit dizzysmom's Photo Album dizzysmom's Journal IN, USA 3882 Posts
I also kinda question the whole "not really a bald spot" thing. Surely there must be some kind of hair loss from scent marking friction. If ya think about it, black hair slicked down doesn't just disappear. If that were the case, I'd look bald every time I shampooed!
Jul 10 2009
06:21:25 AM
leahburk Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit leahburk's Photo Album USA 1192 Posts
All males have a bald spot on the top pf their head and depending on if they are fixed will determine on the size and how much they mark there scent on things in the cage. It is totally normal I wouldn't be to worried about it.
Jul 10 2009
07:39:33 AM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
His spot is larger than most. I would say he is either over grooming or rubbing it on cage, pouch, whatever is available. Your having him neutered should solve that problem. It takes at least a month for their little "maleness" to leave their system - so give it some time.

He should have a nice, soft, fur covered head in a few weeks.
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Jul 10 2009
12:26:24 PM
bluediamond Joey GliderMap Visit bluediamond's Photo Album 43 Posts
Thanks for the responses. The odd thing is, I never see him mark or groom his head too often. I have had him for three months and the previous owner had him for five and the spot doesn't change in size. Hopefully I will see some change in the coming months.
Jul 10 2009
02:00:53 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
Since he is a lone glider, it is more than likely due to depression and overgrooming. Do you plan on getting him a suggie friend?
Jul 10 2009
05:13:30 PM
snusie Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit snusie's Photo Album snusie's Journal USA 2962 Posts
If he is overgrooming, I'm sure it's when you're not around; that's when he's loneliest. Think about adopting or rescuing a friend for him, it'll make a world of difference to him.
Jul 10 2009
07:14:43 PM
bluediamond Joey GliderMap Visit bluediamond's Photo Album 43 Posts
No, I have a second glider, Roo.

Jul 10 2009
10:53:07 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
When you took him to the vet for his neuter, did the vet mention his bald spot was unusually large? If the vet wasnt concerned, then all you can do is wait for him to quit producing his male hormones - which can take around a month.

Edited by - Rita on Jul 10 2009 11:12:24 PM
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Jul 10 2009
10:55:42 PM
bluediamond Joey GliderMap Visit bluediamond's Photo Album 43 Posts
Yeah the vet did ask about the spot and he wasn't worried. Thanks for all the responses.
Jul 11 2009
06:32:47 AM
THEHYLAND Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit THEHYLAND's Photo Album FL, USA 4774 Posts
If you don't plan on having babies I would get him fixed. From what I have seen with some of our members here that after a glider gets fixed the bald spots gets smaller or goes away. The scent glade will always be there but it should be as noticable.
Giant bald spot?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Giant bald spot?