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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
What does your sugar glider dream about?
What does your sugar glider dream about?
Sep 18 2009
04:45:24 PM

What do you think your sugar gliders dream about?

Is there any difference between a captive and a free/wild sugar glider? What would be a good dream and what would be a bad dream? Do they dream about us, their cage, being free, eating, sleeping, playing, ...? How would it look? B&W, color, perspective, texture, feel, ...

Sep 18 2009
05:07:50 PM
suggieluvr Super Glider Visit suggieluvr's Photo Album suggieluvr's Journal USA 394 Posts
Mine would dream about never ending tent time with as many mealies as they can fit in the tent! Kind of like a ball pit, but a mealie pit!
Sep 18 2009
05:21:06 PM
Mollysmom Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Visit Mollysmom's Photo Album MI, USA 2011 Posts
They'd be dreaming about leaping from tree branch to branch, filled with LOTS of corn and mealworms! All their buddies would be there to play. No one would stop their out of cage play time, because there'd be no cages!

Of course, a good dream would mean there'd also be no disease or predators.
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Sep 27 2012
08:32:55 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
BUMPING up this old topic for more replies.

My sugar gliders dream about finally catching that dang feather teaser. Or perhaps they are catching gooey yummy bugs. Either way sounds like fun!
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Sep 27 2012
08:36:20 PM
okusandman Face Hugger Visit okusandman's Photo Album 870 Posts
2009 - wow. And nice distraction :)

I think my mosaics dream about a world where people live in cages, and gliders rule the roost - bwahahaha.
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Sep 27 2012
08:39:19 PM
MamaBird Face Hugger GliderMap Visit MamaBird's Photo Album USA 438 Posts
Mine would dream about trees dripping in sap with wriggling mealies stuck in it. Gliding from branch to branch but also stopping in for a face hug or two. Maybe I would have a patagium too, so we could glide together and then they could sleep in my pouch when they got tired.
Maybe this is my dream (except for the bit about the mealies)..... :)
Sep 27 2012
09:57:16 PM
TJones09 Goofy Gorillatoes Visit TJones09's Photo Album 3524 Posts
Mine dream of gobbling up all of their new freeze dried vita-mealies and then coming out to pee all over mommy. Oh, then being fed more treats.

Edited by - TJones09 on Sep 27 2012 09:57:40 PM
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Sep 27 2012
09:59:19 PM
DParker Super Glider Visit DParker's Photo Album CT, USA 298 Posts
They dream about being bigger than everyone else!
Sep 27 2012
10:14:13 PM
JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit JazzNZoeysmom's Photo Album USA 5354 Posts
Originally posted by DParker

They dream about being bigger than everyone else!

I don't think they need to dream about that....they already think they are bigger than they are. (If attitude is any indication)
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Sep 27 2012
10:19:44 PM
DParker Super Glider Visit DParker's Photo Album CT, USA 298 Posts
Haha yeah that's true!
Sep 28 2012
12:18:05 AM
amym_02 Super Glider Visit amym_02's Photo Album 242 Posts
Whatever mine dream about must be so good that I am able to reach in and take them out of the pouch without waking them up! HAHA

Zack is in pouch.

I put my hand in the pouch, turned the pouch over and pulled Zack out without waking him up. He was so sleepy that he didn't even eat his yogie.

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Sep 28 2012
12:23:48 AM
AnimeFreak176 Super Glider Visit AnimeFreak176's Photo Album MD, USA 296 Posts
haha cute photos! i freaked out at the second one with the yogie on your baby i thought it was a tracking tag or the tags put on pants at the store! haha...blonde moment xD i thought it was funny
Sep 28 2012
08:16:52 AM
TJones09 Goofy Gorillatoes Visit TJones09's Photo Album 3524 Posts
Zack is adorable!!! I wish my girls were lighter sleepers. Sometimes they seem to be more sound sleeping then others, but Lulu is pretty alert to everything most of the time. I don't know if it's because they still have not fully bonded or have enough trust that that sleep light, or if it's just happens to be the time of day (always different) when I may disturb them, or maybe they're or Lulu is just a light sleeper.
What does your sugar glider dream about?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
What does your sugar glider dream about?