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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
What is the best cage for Sugar Gliders
What is the best cage for Sugar Gliders
Oct 09 2009
01:55:08 AM
I am thinking I might get a pair of sugar gliders I found from a breeder. They will have to be shipped to me, but her prices are very reasonable. They are all handled daily, and are very friendly. If I do this I will need a cage. I am wondering what the best cage is? I was thinking about this one on eBay. Here is a link. Please let me know if this would be good for the 2.

Thank you
Oct 09 2009
02:11:25 AM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
You must be targeting an economy cage then?

The 5 Level is taller and you will find it better for your leaping little animals.

Many folks will tell you to spring for the big bucks for a premium cage like the Exel Tower .

JMexotics has this deal for two economy cages with free shipping and you can leave out the connecting walls and tie wrap them together.

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Oct 09 2009
02:35:52 AM
skittlesandpeanut Super Glider GliderMap skittlesandpeanut's Journal USA 227 Posts
hey kazko howd you get ur wodent wheel on the ceiling to stay?? I've tryed to put mine on the walls but cant figure out how to get it to stay put
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Oct 09 2009
05:55:38 AM
trigger Glider Visit trigger's Photo Album USA 164 Posts
Several zip ties on the stand will do the trick Skittles.
Oct 09 2009
06:14:54 AM
THEHYLAND Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit THEHYLAND's Photo Album FL, USA 4774 Posts
One that is nice and big. Roomy enough for them to jump and play. Get toys in and out of the doors. For you to beable to get it out the door for a good cleaning. One that doesn't take up to much room but one that works. The exel tower is a great size. What Kazko did is great too but u need the space.
Oct 09 2009
07:41:49 AM
our2girlz Goofy Gorillatoes GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit our2girlz's Photo Album United States 2362 Posts
You can always make your own. That way you get more cage for less money.
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Oct 09 2009
09:05:00 AM
gray_Fox_forever Super Glider Visit gray_Fox_forever's Photo Album USA 352 Posts
Yea i made my own, and it can cost less than 100 buck and be HUGE! I just made my cage a fwe weeks ago, and its wonderful! Not hard to make at all, and it saves a lot of cash
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Oct 09 2009
12:54:02 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
That photo belongs to Mollysmom .

You can easily hang Wodent wheels on the side or ceiling using zip ties and/or garbage ties. I have 10 hanging this way myself. It is even easy to remove the wheel for servicing by just pulling out the cotter pin while the stand stays in place.
What is the best cage for Sugar Gliders

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
What is the best cage for Sugar Gliders