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Sugar Gliders
Hi I have a few questions about owning Sugar Gliders?
Hi I have a few questions about owning Sugar Gliders?
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Oct 25 2009
08:11:16 PM
Hi my name is Brittney and I am thinking about owning a sugar glider. I have read about them and did my homework but I would like to hear something from someone that own a pair. What I know is that them need lots of room and a big cage. I know about the BML diet and the blending diet. I know that they only come out at night. If I am leaving anything out please tell me. I also want to know about lighting? Do they need it? If so what would be best for them? Which diet is best for them? I am a 15 year old girl and I love animals. I have a lot of animals already and I take care of them all. I do have three dogs and a cat and four cockatiels and I am getting a 11 year old Cockatoo he is a rescue. My dogs and cat don't mess with my birds and they tend to keep to them selfs. I don't believe that they would mess with the sugars. I also play softball but that is during the day and only in the summer but I do play fall ball now and then. So any info about them would be great!
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Oct 25 2009
08:16:53 PM
best_friendz2 Face Hugger Visit best_friendz2's Photo Album 841 Posts
No lighting is necesary and NO HEATING ROCKS!!! they are very dangerouse to them. They live best in pairs and Please no animals should be around them. It only takes one second... I cant think of anything else really, sounds like your pretty educated. If you have any questions just ask =)

Oh and welcome to the site
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Oct 25 2009
08:19:23 PM
suggie_mom Super Glider GliderMap Visit suggie_mom's Photo Album suggie_mom's Journal USA 345 Posts
It seems we have a lot in common :) I play softball, own a cockatiel, and love animals :) I love both of my sugar glider's, and even though they require some extra care I have very much enjoyed having them, and learn more about what they need everyday. After 2-3 week's I got down their schedule, and found that they can be a very rewarding pet. Also, about them only comeing out at night, i'm not sure about other peoples glider's, but mine come out several times during the day.
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Oct 25 2009
08:21:21 PM
Brittney569 Super Glider Visit Brittney569's Photo Album USA 259 Posts
Ok thank you! I will most deffently ask if I have any question. :3
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Oct 25 2009
08:22:36 PM
suggie_mom Super Glider GliderMap Visit suggie_mom's Photo Album suggie_mom's Journal USA 345 Posts
Originally posted by best_friendz2

No lighting is necesary and NO HEATING ROCKS!!! they are very dangerouse to them. They live best in pairs and Please no animals should be around them. It only takes one second... I cant think of anything else really, sounds like your pretty educated. If you have any questions just ask =)

Oh and welcome to the site

You do have to take a bit' of extra caution, but i've found that they're fine around other animals. Keep them away from the dog and cat, and keep them away from the cockatoo! But keep your cockatiels away from the sugar glider's, because they will try to eat your bird for dinner! (Yes, my sugar glider's try to eat my bird.) But I haven't had any real issues.

In the wild, cockatoos (and other large birds) are natural predator's to suggies.

Edited by - suggie_mom on Oct 25 2009 08:23:48 PM
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Oct 25 2009
08:24:03 PM
Brittney569 Super Glider Visit Brittney569's Photo Album USA 259 Posts
Originally posted by suggie_mom

It seems we have a lot in common :) I play softball, own a cockatiel, and love animals :) I love both of my sugar glider's, and even though they require some extra care I have very much enjoyed having them, and learn more about what they need everyday. After 2-3 week's I got down their schedule, and found that they can be a very rewarding pet. Also, about them only comeing out at night, i'm not sure about other peoples glider's, but mine come out several times during the day.

It dose seem like we have a lot in common. That is pretty cool! I wanted to make sure I got to know everything that I need to know because I think I will be getting my first pair either christmas or my brithday.
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Oct 25 2009
08:27:14 PM
Brittney569 Super Glider Visit Brittney569's Photo Album USA 259 Posts

You do have to take a bit' of extra caution, but i've found that they're fine around other animals. Keep them away from the dog and cat, and keep them away from the cockatoo! But keep your cockatiels away from the sugar glider's, because they will try to eat your bird for dinner! (Yes, my sugar glider's try to eat my bird.) But I haven't had any real issues.

In the wild, cockatoos (and other large birds) are natural predator's to suggies.

The caockatoo would try and eat the suggies? I didn't know that. If/when I get my pair they will be in my room and the cockatoo(His name is Max if anyone wanted to know) will be in the living room.
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Oct 25 2009
08:31:24 PM
Brittney569 Super Glider Visit Brittney569's Photo Album USA 259 Posts
Oh what do you think would be better. Getting a pair of joeys first or getting a rescue pair first?
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Oct 25 2009
08:31:45 PM
Rita Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Rita's Photo Album Rita's Journal MO, USA 12214 Posts
Britney, I also have a cockatoo - have had him for 15 years now. They are little stinkers! But I love my Sammi boy. You can see a picture of him in my photo album - he is hanging upside down from the top of his cage.

Yes, please keep the gliders away from your other animals. It is never a good idea to mix species. You are mixing predators and prey. Dogs and cats are predators by instinct - meaning they are natural hunters. You never know when that instinct will kick in. Sugar Gliders would be their prey. Sugar Gliders are also predators and the birds would be their prey. So be very careful not to ever let them loose together.

Welcome to Glider Gossip!
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Oct 25 2009
08:50:56 PM
jbsgirl1423 Super Glider Visit jbsgirl1423's Photo Album jbsgirl1423's Journal 222 Posts
okay yes rescues are always better for the world of gliders in general but for a new owner id suggest a pair of young gliders id meet them one or a few times before i got them because many rescues and even joeys who hanvent had a bad background can have behavioral problems but the statistics seem better for joeys who were born into a loving home so yeah dont kill me sorry jss my thoughts
Oct 25 2009
09:02:21 PM
H Super Glider Visit H's Photo Album 281 Posts
Welcome Brittney! Good for you for researching first!!!

Just wanted to add some other food for thought.... I have had gliders now for only three months. I started with one and now have two. When I was told that they are awake at night and asleep during the day, I don't know why, but I thought as soon as it was nighttime that he would be up and ready to play. This was not the case. Mine doesn't get up until at least 11:00. For example, last night we were up playing until 1:00 AM. So it may be difficult for you being in school to stay up late enough to give your gliders attention. Also the food prep is more time consuming than what you're used to with your dog, cat, and birds. Sounds like you've researched their diets though and understand the importance of feeding them the proper nutrition. They require a big cage and it's not the kind of pet that you can leave with just anybody when you are out of town. So you may also think about who would be able to care for them in your absence. The bonding process takes a while and they will often crab a lot during this time. They will play all night and can be noisy.... actually it's not them that's noisy but all the toys that they play with creating racket. They can make different noises such as barking (similar to a small dog) and chirping throughout the night too. I'm not trying to talk you out of getting a pair because I absolutely adore mine, but they really are not the pet for everyone. I'm just trying to think of everything you should know going into it. How did you become interested in them?
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Oct 25 2009
09:11:40 PM
Brittney569 Super Glider Visit Brittney569's Photo Album USA 259 Posts
I saw them on tv and fell in love with them! So I started reading about them and tried to learn as much as I could about them. The more I read the more I fell in love with suggies.
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Oct 26 2009
12:17:03 AM
dunganp Starting Member 4 Posts
There are a couple things everyone should know before taking on the care of a glider. They DO NOT do water: they don't swim and they are terrified of it. They don't seem to have any hard bones in their bodies except their skulls and so they are extemely delicate and must always be handled with care. They cannot be potty trained and will pee and poo on you at will especially right after they wake up. They do not like to be on the ground or floor as in the wild they are tree top animals and that is where they live. One other thing is that they require a LOT of attention. They can go mean and wild in a few days if ignored. You do not want to be bitten as their bottom teeth are like needles and about a half inch long. The teeth retreat into the jaw when they are not biting anything. Make sure there is a vet in your area that will treat exotic pets. GOOD LUCK1111
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Oct 26 2009
01:25:12 AM
fadedrainbows Face Hugger GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit fadedrainbows's Photo Album fadedrainbows's Journal USA 819 Posts
Um. I've seen my glider's teeth while they are sleeping... and what I've read said they have fixed teeth. So they do NOT retract. I would love to know where you got that bit of information from. My source (Janine M. Cianciolo, DVM: ) says:

"Sugar gliders have fixed teeth, incisors, molars, and premolars. These teeth do not continue to grow and are not replaced if lost. Sugar glider teeth should be firmly anchored within the gingiva (gum)."

Also, getting bit does hurt. But the teeth aren't like needles. They don't usually bite hard enough to make you bleed. It hurts, duh, but it's not like getting stabbed with needles.

So basically I'd love to see your sources due to our clash of information. This way we can better educate not only ourselves but other new glider/prospective glider parents.
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Oct 26 2009
08:47:40 AM
Something_To_Believe_In Face Hugger Visit Something_To_Believe_In's Photo Album 647 Posts
Originally posted by dunganp

There are a couple things everyone should know before taking on the care of a glider. They DO NOT do water: they don't swim and they are terrified of it. They don't seem to have any hard bones in their bodies except their skulls and so they are extemely delicate and must always be handled with care. They cannot be potty trained and will pee and poo on you at will especially right after they wake up. They do not like to be on the ground or floor as in the wild they are tree top animals and that is where they live. One other thing is that they require a LOT of attention. They can go mean and wild in a few days if ignored. You do not want to be bitten as their bottom teeth are like needles and about a half inch long. The teeth retreat into the jaw when they are not biting anything. Make sure there is a vet in your area that will treat exotic pets. GOOD LUCK1111

There are so many things about this post that are inaccurate. I believe we owe it to those seeking information to provide accurate information.
The teeth retreat into the jaw when they are not biting anything.

A glider's teeth do NOT retract. They are fixed in place, they are born with their teeth and they do not continue to grow.

They DO NOT do water: they don't swim and they are terrified of it.
Gliders can swim for a short period of time. They can even survive in a rain storm in the wild. Most are not terrified of water. However, they cannot swim for long periods and they WILL get pneumonia if they get water in their lungs, so we HAVE TO be safe any time a glider is near water.

They don't seem to have any hard bones in their bodies except their skulls and so they are extemely delicate and must always be handled with care.

While we must always be careful with our gliders because their bones are so tiny, they ARE still BONES. They are hard bones. Don't know where this information came from, but it is entirely misleading. Gliders have a body full of bones. They can easily be broken, but to say they are not hard is a complete falacy. They have a skeleton just like all mammals. Here is a glider x-ray - you can clearly see the density of the bones in the body. (this glider does have injuries)

They do not like to be on the ground or floor as in the wild they are tree top animals and that is where they live.
Gliders will play on the floor of their cages and on the floor in a tent and on the floor of a play room all the time. To say they don't like to be there is misleading. They prefer to SLEEP up high, but they will make full use of a play space if they are provided proper enrichment opportunities. Here is a picture of one of my gliders playing amongst toys ON THE FLOOR of my play room:

They can go mean and wild in a few days if ignored
Um, NO! A properly socialized glider will not turn mean if not given as much attention for a few days. One is allowed to go on vacation and leave them with a glider sitter or get ill and not take them out for play time or have life happen which leaves you unable to bond/play with your gliders from time to time without feeling like they are going to "go mean and wild." That is just absurd. If proper time is spent bonding with them and socializing them, then the glider will still be a sweet, social glider if you are away from them for a few days. The only time a glider's personality changes so dramatically in such a short period of time is when they are ILL. If you have experienced this, you should get your glider in for a thorough wellness exam ASAP.
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Oct 26 2009
11:18:43 AM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
Wow, never heard the retreating teeth thing before. They are sharp and NEVER have them trimmed, these aren't rodents.

(this isn't what their teeth look likeI love this picture Raven)

My guys love water and are attracted to it. I put a little dish of water in their cage and every morning it looks like they were trying to make soup or something.

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Oct 26 2009
03:45:37 PM
Brittney569 Super Glider Visit Brittney569's Photo Album USA 259 Posts
Wow the teeth thing is kinda freaking me out haha. So if they bite you what dose it feel like? How much dose it hurt? Also I heard someone talking about covering the outside of their cage and I wanted to know what that was about if someone could tell me please?
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Oct 26 2009
04:44:27 PM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
Originally posted by Brittney569

Wow the teeth thing is kinda freaking me out haha. So if they bite you what dose it feel like? How much dose it hurt? Also I heard someone talking about covering the outside of their cage and I wanted to know what that was about if someone could tell me please?

Sorry that picture is a joke . If they bite you they can draw blood.
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Oct 26 2009
04:57:31 PM
jbsgirl1423 Super Glider Visit jbsgirl1423's Photo Album jbsgirl1423's Journal 222 Posts
when i first got my little guy when we were first starting to bond i got bit a few times but he was young so he never drew blood
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Oct 26 2009
09:50:52 PM
jungleflockmom Glider 175 Posts
I could not handle my tame gliders for several months while having chemotherapy. They were almost as tame as before. Gliders never forget anything but after awhile they will become unused to interacting with you. They will not, however, forget that you treated them well and are not a threat.
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Oct 27 2009
01:57:00 AM
Reenabee Super Glider Visit Reenabee's Photo Album 264 Posts
I know when I was getting my first gliders I wasnt worried about how much work they would be, but how long they live. PLEASE THINK ABOUT THIS. Your 15? so your gliders will be around till your 30...Now, that may not seem a big deal right now but you havnt even started to think about college yet. Alot of people live in the dorms their first year of college and pets are not allowed. You have to know you can take care of these animals for many many years past high school. Now I dont know you, you could be the most responsible 15 year old and do everything 100%, but I was 15 not too long ago and if I had gotten my gliders then I couldnt have handled it. I love having gliders, but I dont have any other pets and they STILL take up most of my time. They are very different from a dog/cat/bird. Again, im not judging, just think long and hard about it. You can get gliders anytime during your life, are you sure right now is the RIGHT time? Welcome to the site! :)
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Oct 27 2009
05:22:46 PM
Brittney569 Super Glider Visit Brittney569's Photo Album USA 259 Posts
I have made sure that before I ever got one I would think about it and make sure I can take care of him/her and that I would have enough time for him/her.
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Oct 27 2009
07:52:27 PM
Brittney569 Super Glider Visit Brittney569's Photo Album USA 259 Posts
LOL so I found this kinda funny and thought maybe you would too. So me and my ex boyfriend are talking and we have become friends again and I was telling him about how I want a sugar glider and how cute they are and everything. Then he says yeah they are pretty cute I love to play with my grandmas. So I said thats cool that your grandma has them and some other stuff. That is when he told me that he could get me one or two free or for like $100 and I was like :D and he laughed at me for acting like a little kid in a candy store face. So yeah don't ask me how I thought this was funny I just did and sorry for this being so random.
Hi I have a few questions about owning Sugar Gliders?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Hi I have a few questions about owning Sugar Gliders?