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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Opinions on cages
Opinions on cages
Mar 16 2010
12:53:19 PM
Hey guys!
I've been trying to track down the perfect cage to no avail. It's so difficult to shop online and know that I am getting exactly what I want. I manage a pet store, so I know how some cages can look sturdy and well built in pictures and then end up being pieces of junk. I was wondering if you guys were familiar with any of these cages:


I am leaning toward that last cage, but I am worried about having a cage that weighs 97 pounds! O_o

If you guys could offer me any opinions on these cages, or if you have any other suggestions, I would really appreciate it. I want to get the best cage for my girls, but I also want to spend my money wisely. I am a college student, so I don't really don't want to waste what little money I have
Mar 16 2010
12:59:43 PM
Hannah2010 Glider GliderMap Visit Hannah2010's Photo Album 177 Posts
I just bought the Exel tower cage off of ebay, and It is beyond amazing! Well built, sturdy, easy to put together, easy to move and clean. Its just all around awesome, and many other members have this cage as well.

Here is the link to it on E-bay. The seller was great as well, I got it in the mail with in a week.
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Mar 16 2010
01:44:30 PM
WintersSong Fuzzy Wuzzy 1417 Posts
I have the first cage.. Within a month of having it, I started to think that it was way too small. So, I would buy bigger if you can afford it.

Second cage doesn't say what the bar spacing is.
Mar 16 2010
02:02:47 PM
cristyoo2 Glider Visit cristyoo2's Photo Album USA 154 Posts
I also have the exel cage from Ebay and I have had zero problems with it. Its not heavy at all but it is very sturdy and easy to move around. Its also very easy to clean. I would just make sure to zip tie the bottom grate to the cage because I had an incident where they escaped out of there. Other then that I can't complain, its a great investment
Mar 16 2010
02:09:32 PM
Hannah2010 Glider GliderMap Visit Hannah2010's Photo Album 177 Posts
I also have the exel cage from Ebay and I have had zero problems with it. Its not heavy at all but it is very sturdy and easy to move around. Its also very easy to clean. I would just make sure to zip tie the bottom grate to the cage because I had an incident where they escaped out of there. Other then that I can't complain, its a great investment

I was wondering what was up with that bottom grate when we put it together yesterday?
I ended up zip tyeing it up, which worked out great, but it just seems like it would have screw holes like the other panels do (including the top)
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Mar 16 2010
02:18:09 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I've never had a problem with that grate and I don't have it zip tied either. Doesn't it line up with the bottom of the cage perfectly? I don't know how mine would move it.
Mar 16 2010
02:58:14 PM
Hannah2010 Glider GliderMap Visit Hannah2010's Photo Album 177 Posts
No, it doesn't line up perfectly. Its about a half an inch off. Its not that its bent or mis-shaped, but for some reason when we slid it in (after we had three of the walls constructed), it just didnt lay right. I told my boyfriend it'd probably come together once we got the front bolted on. But it didn't, so i just added three zip ties and its perfect and sturdy.

I should have taken a picture when I got the chance to show you what i'm talking about.

Is it supposed to be able to slide out like the pan?

Sorry Suteinu, for kinda stealing your post, but this is a great cage. And, the pan is metal which is really nice. It's more like a nice piece of furniture than a lowsy cage.
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Mar 16 2010
03:05:14 PM
kyro298 Glider Sprinkles GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kyro298's Photo Album kyro298's Journal CO, USA 15262 Posts
I think it does slide out like the pan, but mine lines up so I don't think they could get little hands or feet in there to push/slide it.
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Mar 16 2010
05:35:54 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts
Yes, a good bird cage has a removable bottom grate for cleaning. I have found that anything over 24" in depth is too big to get out of a doorway, so keep that in mind. I have a 30" x 30" right now and I have to carry it out the front door and it is a cruddy job.

I clean all of my cages outside. If you can find a way to clean them indoors, then perhaps too big is not an issue. I have suggested to cage builders for some time to come up with a wide cage that can split in the middle for easy cleaning. Two exel cages side by side is a good idea and back to back works as well but gets pretty deep for most rooms.
Mar 17 2010
11:24:10 PM
Suteinu Joey 33 Posts
The Excel Tower cage is definitely the one to which I am partial. I can't seem to find it anywhere else but ebay, though. How do I know if I am getting that particular cage and not a cheap knockoff by mistake?
Thanks so much for the feedback!
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Mar 18 2010
12:34:44 PM
Farns Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Farns's Photo Album USA 842 Posts
Our Gliders are currently in SunCoast's "Sturdy Cage" made by HQ and is a very good cage. It and the "Brisbane" on sugar-glider-superstore are the same. I recently did a lot of shopping and asking about cages. The Exel is a highly recommended cage and is only on ebay. During the Spring, Summer and Fall, I roll the cage outside on it's stand and clean it. During the winter, I wipe it down inside. The more room, the happier your gliders but remember they need to be cleaned. I recently purchased the Sydney cage from the sugar-glider superstore as it has the same foot print as our current cage and just taller. It will still go out our door to be cleaned.
Mar 22 2010
11:17:21 PM
jmball2 Starting Member 5 Posts
How do you like the sydney? I am thinking of getting it. Can't decide between it or tying 2 exels together to make an even larger cage. where did you get your sydney? n
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Mar 23 2010
01:40:08 AM
Farns Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Farns's Photo Album USA 842 Posts
I just received the Sydney cage before leaving for the weekend. I will be putting it together tomorrow evening while my wife is down visiting the kids and grandkids. I will post more once it is assembled and I see how easy it is to assemble and if there are any fit or quality issues. I got the cage from Exotic Nutrition (Sugar Glider Super Store)on sale for $229.
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Mar 24 2010
08:14:46 AM
Farns Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Farns's Photo Album USA 842 Posts
I put the "Sydney" cage together last night. Does require a bit of mechanical ability to assemble. Fairly sturdy but I still added cable (zip)ties to tighten up the cage. It is a good cage and if the Exel is anything like it, either would be a good choice. If you can tie to Exels together, you should have a great cage.
Mar 24 2010
08:49:00 AM
Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy's Photo Album OH, USA 1624 Posts
The bigger cage you can afford the better (well, keeping in mind Kazko's warning, of course!)

Many have built their own, giving them the ability to customize it to their own specifications. I think this works well for the gliders and the owners.

Good luck!

Opinions on cages

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Opinions on cages