Oh that is news to me! Apparently they don't stink! Well then I must have a totally different animal. Because, though I love them dearly, they are stinky little girls.
And all you need to do is (and I am being sarcastic) feed them a corn based pelleted diet which has all the nutrition you need in a crunchy and hard to chew form-perfect for these little squirrels, give them human food as treats, keep them alone in a small bird cage with little socialization, give them an ordinary hamster wheel and maybe one or two more toys, give them a sock to sleep in on the ground overtop of a wonderfully expensive heat rock which of course will not scald their skin, and don't worry! They don't bite! I mean after they spend all of their energy trying to chew their diet and wearing down their teeth getting attractive tooth abscesses, they simply don't want to bite! And they don't smell because they are so blocked up and sickly that they probably won't even poop or pee! They are A PERFECT POCKET PET!
Jack arses!