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Sugar Gliders
Sugar Glider Super Suit
Sugar Glider Super Suit
Health related
Jun 04 2010
05:49:37 PM
So, while I was looking for a vet for another member, I came across a really odd picture of a sugar glider and was wondering if anyone could explain? If you have just a second, go to:
Then go to photo gallery, and it is the very last picture. It is of a sugar glider with different colored fur. Please take a look, and explain? Very curious...
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Jun 04 2010
05:58:13 PM
Tevi Joey 22 Posts
It looks like a fleece vest. It could be one of those vests that people make if the e-collars can't be used. Just my guess.
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Jun 04 2010
06:04:00 PM
WintersSong Fuzzy Wuzzy 1417 Posts
It's not it's fur.. It is some sort of vests. I have heard of them being used in some situations..

Speaking of this vet -- I have not used them (not in that state), but I have heard very good things about Dr. Ness.
Health related
Jun 04 2010
06:28:04 PM
kazko Little Bunny FooFoo GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit kazko's Photo Album kazko's Journal TX, USA 6747 Posts

Health related
Jun 04 2010
06:34:15 PM
scr2486 Super Glider Visit scr2486's Photo Album 239 Posts
Oooooh! Phew! Thank God it is just a vest! I must have sounded like an idiot!
Health related
Jun 04 2010
07:13:04 PM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
Is that some kind of harness,like a leash?
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Jun 04 2010
08:45:49 PM
WintersSong Fuzzy Wuzzy 1417 Posts
I don't think it's a harness/leash sort of thing. I think it is more likely that it's there because the glider had some sort of problem.
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Jun 04 2010
09:47:47 PM
Farns Face Hugger GliderMap Visit Farns's Photo Album USA 842 Posts
It could be something like putting a sweater on a dog. The breeder that we bought Elvis and Priscilla from had things like capes and dresses to put on your glider (yea, right!) I am sure they are not the only ones to have something like that.
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Jun 04 2010
10:11:36 PM
fadedrainbows Face Hugger GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit fadedrainbows's Photo Album fadedrainbows's Journal USA 819 Posts
I think that because the picture comes from a vet's website, and that the vest does not cover the "wings", we can safely assume it's for recovery. I heard about these vests the other day on GC.
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Jun 04 2010
11:13:28 PM
slave4suggies Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit slave4suggies's Photo Album USA 1101 Posts
I really like that idea. Instead of the normal e-collar it's fleece so they aren't going to be as irritated. I would think that it could also be used to make so they wouldn't glide as much, in case of injury only, of course. But that's just my odd way of thinking.
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Jun 05 2010
08:22:11 AM
Raenstoirm Super Glider 369 Posts
What I find interesting about the pic is there is something under the vest. it looks like a pink and black marble near his right hip.
Health related
Jun 05 2010
09:12:14 AM
Catman Goose Catcher GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Catman's Photo Album CO, USA 2670 Posts
I have seen harnesses/leashes that look like that.I wonder what a vest like that would do better than an E-collar?
Health related
Jun 05 2010
09:27:57 AM
Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy's Photo Album OH, USA 1624 Posts
All this speculation.......It seems to me that the easiest way to find out about it would be to JUST ASK.

I sent them an email and asked about it and will let you know what I find out.
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Jun 05 2010
12:50:19 PM
WintersSong Fuzzy Wuzzy 1417 Posts
slave4suggies -- I don't think it's actually fleece. When Munch was injured, my vet created a sort of e-collar out of material that looked a lot like that. I don't know exactly what the material was, but it was flexible to an extent, but not to the point that he could get to the area we didn't want him touching.

Health related
Jun 07 2010
01:10:51 PM
Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy Fuzzy Wuzzy GliderMap Visit Gizmo-n-Roos Mommy's Photo Album OH, USA 1624 Posts
Hi I did get a response from this vets office today. It IS an alternative to the e-collar to prevent messing with the surgery site. They did not know exactly how it was made though because it was created by the glider's owner.
Sugar Glider Super Suit

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Sugar Glider Super Suit