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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Events and Calendar
Event: 2nd Annual Sweet Sugar Gliders Gathering
2nd Annual Sweet Sugar Gliders Gathering
Sep 16 2011
04:21:48 PM
2nd Annual Sweet Sugar Gliders Gathering

2011 October 15

Our 2nd annual Sweet Sugar Gliders Gathering (SSGG) is less than a month away! This event is for people with all levels of glider experience, from anywhere in the country. Did you purchase a sugar glider on impulse and now you don't know what to do with it? Are you looking to connect with other sugar glider owners? Are you thinking about getting sugar gliders, but are not sure if they are the right pet for you? Are you active in the sugar glider forums and looking to meet some of your friends from there? Are you looking for some cool sugar glider products? Do you like to teach people about sugar glider pet ownership? Reasons you won't want to miss out:

- Opportunity for new and future sugar glider owners to learn from experienced owners and breeders
- Free glider goodies
- A chance to network with other sugar glider owners
- A fun reason to get out of the house

Please visit our website for more details:
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Oct 12 2011
02:35:59 PM
IowaMisty Joey Gliderpedia Editor 17 Posts
Regretfully, we are going to have to cancel or reschedule this event. I'm sorry for any inconvenience. We just don't have enough people to make it work for this weekend. Please let me know if you might be interested in attending if we moved the event to the Spring.

If you have already registered, we will be sending you a refund. If you are local, please visit us at the Great Iowa Pet Expo this weekend. I will be at the Norwex booth.

2nd Annual Sweet Sugar Gliders Gathering

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Events and Calendar
Event: 2nd Annual Sweet Sugar Gliders Gathering