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Events and Calendar
Event: 3rd Annual Wisconsin Deer Hunters Widows SGGA
3rd Annual Wisconsin Deer Hunters Widows SGGA
Sep 16 2011
10:03:02 PM
3rd Annual Wisconsin Deer Hunters Widows SGGA

2011 November 12

Announcing the third annual Wisconsin Deer Hunters Widows Sugar Glider Get Away.

What: Gathering of Sugar Glider enthusiasts.

Where: Oregon, WI Fire Department training room.

When: Saturday, November 12, 2011, 10:00 - 3:30ish

Tentatively scheduled toy making.

Bring a dish to pass, toy parts to share and lets spend the day talking about Sugar Gliders.

Does anyone want a speaker and what topic are you interested in?

Vendors welcome, if your vending please post and let people know you will be here.
3rd Annual Wisconsin Deer Hunters Widows SGGA

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Events and Calendar
Event: 3rd Annual Wisconsin Deer Hunters Widows SGGA