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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Health related
Apr 03 2012
12:08:20 AM
both my gliders woke up today with there anus area looking swollen and wet the spot were everything comes out. has anyone had this problem before???? pls help asap. also extra info...... nothin is red no discharge as of now but that area smells kinda amino like i guess its hard to explain they rant acting like there hurting but i noticed both of there tails look over groomed and i got closers to take a look and thats when i noticed both there privates were swollen and the hair was just matted up around there. PLS PLSPLS HELP
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Apr 03 2012
01:03:10 AM
valkyriemome Goofy Gorillatoes Visit valkyriemome's Photo Album USA 3479 Posts
It sounds like they just peed and didn't groom themselves yet. They just woke up?

However, if you are at all concerned, you should go to a vet! Anything that is not "normal" to your gliders - whether or not it is normal for someone else's - should be checked out by your vet.

I would hesitantly suggest that it can wait until tomorrow? I don't really know - but it doesn't sound immediately life threatening.

Don't forget, taking them to the vet for this kind of check is a great opportunity to run a fecal!
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Apr 03 2012
01:06:14 AM
sophieowner Glider Visit sophieowner's Photo Album 103 Posts
yea i don't think its life threatening there not hissing when the poop or pee but hey do tank long time to pass and the poop is dark brown. the swelling went dow a lil bot the chocla i think thats what its called is still pointy looking and theres a lile swelling still there heres a pick on the male also its not a amino smell its more fishy i guess.
Health related
Apr 03 2012
01:12:46 AM
sophieowner Glider Visit sophieowner's Photo Album 103 Posts

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Apr 03 2012
01:15:06 AM
sophieowner Glider Visit sophieowner's Photo Album 103 Posts
it just looks pointy and smells fishy now there not moving much like they normally do and I've seen them pee and poop there poop comes out slow and is hard and dark brown. I've contacted charli bear i thnk thats he's name he had a post bout swollen anus glands i hope to god thats not what is wrong. but still if anyone had info pls do share.
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Apr 03 2012
06:57:01 AM
DoubleBogey Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit DoubleBogey's Photo Album USA 1244 Posts
I don't know if it's just me or not but they don't look swollen - that just looks like a cloaca. I mean, maybe a little extended? But that happens sometimes. If the poop is coming out hard and brown - that is much better than diarrhea in my opinion. Please take your gliders to the vet today and get a fecal/urine test and wellness check done. I am more concerned about the behavior that you are listing than their bottoms. The smell is a bit concerning - but maybe that has something to do with what you are feeding?

Either way, please go ahead and get a wellness and fecal/urine check done today. It's good to do this a few times a year anyway...and I am unsure if you had them checked/tested when you got them. You want to keep a close understanding of your gliders health and this will help.

Keep us posted!
Health related
Apr 03 2012
08:18:04 AM
Omis n Kais g-ma Pouch Protector Visit Omis n Kais g-ma's Photo Album TX, USA 7524 Posts
Looks like our boys to me.
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Apr 03 2012
08:21:02 AM
sugie bandit Super Glider Visit sugie bandit's Photo Album 252 Posts
Great pics of their fuzzbutts!
Health related
Apr 03 2012
08:21:32 AM
JazzNZoeysmom Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit JazzNZoeysmom's Photo Album USA 5354 Posts
Agree with DB....mine do that after they go potty. You may want to try some diluted apple juice or canned pumpkin (no spices mixed in) to try and soften the stool. It sounds like they may be slightly constipated. Definately keep an eye on them...maybe get a vet appt. for a day or two out just in case, can always cancel it.
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Apr 03 2012
11:35:03 AM
sjones5254 Goofy Gorillatoes Visit sjones5254's Photo Album SC, USA 2415 Posts
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Apr 03 2012
12:13:36 PM
sophieowner Glider Visit sophieowner's Photo Album 103 Posts
omg guys lol your pervs hahahaha well i wish i could ave gotten na pic of when hey woke up it did look swollen then but it went down at bout 3 am i think i was more worried bout the fact that it smelled and all the hair was matted up. but after the lights went out they started running around and making a mess in there cage like always and the male did i=his normal run on the wheel for hours on in while the female watched him..... so all is well ill keep a eye on them

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders