just thought i would make a fun thread for everyone to join in on. make your own glider memes or share pictures for other people to caption kinda like the caption thread but the captions go on the picture and is more like lolcat and memes. you can do a meme one like this which is just a glider face and you can caption it with whatever. its very good for educational glider memes http://memegenerator.net/Surger
To use your own pictures upload them here builder.cheezburger.com/Builder to save it i just right click on the picture and click save image as.. then upload it somewhere.
If you dont understand memes this is a great site to read or watch the video about different ones. this one is about lolcats knowyourmeme.com/memes/lolcats
this is the X they said meme. dont be afraid to try posting a meme its fun and easy and kinda addicting lol. or comment on the pictures as well or just leave a caption for one or something. if you have any questions just ask :D