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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Homemade cage and toys! (Lots of pics)
Homemade cage and toys! (Lots of pics)
Aug 07 2012
10:06:05 PM
All of the blue and grey fleece toys and the cage are homemade. We just got the wheel yesterday and he is already loving it!

Hanging Out On His Braid

Waking Up

Top Half

Bottom Half

Full Door Open

2 Little Doors Open

Side View

Front View

So excited to have everything done! He also has a ball pit (Easter Eggs) and a tunnel that aren't pictured because they were being cleaned.

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Aug 07 2012
10:07:58 PM
iluvmysuggies Glider Visit iluvmysuggies's Photo Album USA 79 Posts
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Aug 07 2012
10:26:00 PM
Sierra18 Joey Visit Sierra18's Photo Album 20 Posts

Awesome! This is off topic but I love the three colors on the walls. That gives me an an idea for my daughters slanted ceilings. I love the stickers on the kitchen too. :)
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Aug 07 2012
10:30:04 PM
SugarGlider0525 Joey Visit SugarGlider0525's Photo Album 42 Posts
Thanks! My grandma made me a comforter set and I couldn't decide which color to go with, so now 2 walls are blue and 2 are brown :)
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Aug 07 2012
10:32:54 PM
TJones09 Goofy Gorillatoes Visit TJones09's Photo Album 3524 Posts
Very nice, I love the set up & I think it's real cool the way you made the cage door, one big one to really get to anything & everything, and then the little doors within to quick access for small stuff. It's a well thought out design overall and furnished very nicely. Lucky glider!
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Aug 07 2012
10:39:03 PM
SugarGlider0525 Joey Visit SugarGlider0525's Photo Album 42 Posts
He will be even happier once he gets his cage mate in November :)

I can't wait to introduce them and have 2 happy gliders instead of one lonely but spoiled little guy!!!
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Aug 08 2012
01:05:04 AM
amym_02 Super Glider Visit amym_02's Photo Album 242 Posts
Cool! Gives me more ideas for toys! :)
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Aug 08 2012
08:49:02 AM
amyfromfl Glider Visit amyfromfl's Photo Album 76 Posts
I'm going to attempt a pvc cage, so if there are instructions anywhere to follow, please let me know. I've only become somewhat crafty cause of my babies lol
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Aug 08 2012
10:53:06 AM
SuggieSpoiler Super Glider Visit SuggieSpoiler's Photo Album FL, USA 278 Posts
Wow very nice!

I'm also going to try to make a PVC cage. If you don't mind I have a few questions?
How much did it cost?
Is it easy to make?
And do you have instructions on how to make one?

Anyways, fantastic job on your cage and toys! I love the glider kitchen too.
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Aug 08 2012
11:11:27 AM
Zoe0206 Glider Visit Zoe0206's Photo Album FL, USA 86 Posts
Awesome cage!!! Great idea on how you did the doors. Nice cage set too:)
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Aug 08 2012
12:55:39 PM
SugarGlider0525 Joey Visit SugarGlider0525's Photo Album 42 Posts
My dad did most of it. I really was just the helper. I gave him a sketch of what I wanted and the size (4 ft tall X 2 ft X 2 ft) and we researched safe materials. The PVC isn't glued or anything and then we just used plastic mesh and held that together by zip ties. The doors have hinges and you can see the little doors clips there. On the big door we used eye hooks. You can kind of see them in the picture labeled full door open. There is a wood base with one open side. There is plastic mesh across the floor for the droppings to fall through and we used a sheet of plexiglas to catch the droppings from hitting the wood. We drilled holes in the wood to put the 4 main pieces of PVC through which keeps it sturdy.

I will try to make a journal on it, but I'm new here so it might take me a few tries to figure it out. It was around 180 all together.

It only took us a week and a half just working on it a little each night after dinner.

This is the website where I got the idea to make one. They didn't use PVC though. I just kind of got my sketch from it. We would've gone taller but it wouldn't fit in my room with the slanted ceilings.
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Aug 08 2012
05:01:55 PM
iluvmysuggies Glider Visit iluvmysuggies's Photo Album USA 79 Posts
Where did you get those water bottles!? They are so cool
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Aug 08 2012
08:36:15 PM
SugarGlider0525 Joey Visit SugarGlider0525's Photo Album 42 Posts
The breeder gave them to me when I got him in a care/starter package. There's a third one too that is brown and has a cooler shape. I keep it in his travel cage though in case of emergencies.

I think you can get them in the bird section of petsmart, but I am not sure.
Homemade cage and toys! (Lots of pics)

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Homemade cage and toys! (Lots of pics)