My dad did most of it. I really was just the helper. I gave him a sketch of what I wanted and the size (4 ft tall X 2 ft X 2 ft) and we researched safe materials. The PVC isn't glued or anything and then we just used plastic mesh and held that together by zip ties. The doors have hinges and you can see the little doors clips there. On the big door we used eye hooks. You can kind of see them in the picture labeled full door open. There is a wood base with one open side. There is plastic mesh across the floor for the droppings to fall through and we used a sheet of plexiglas to catch the droppings from hitting the wood. We drilled holes in the wood to put the 4 main pieces of PVC through which keeps it sturdy.
I will try to make a journal on it, but I'm new here so it might take me a few tries to figure it out. It was around 180 all together.
It only took us a week and a half just working on it a little each night after dinner.
This is the website where I got the idea to make one. They didn't use PVC though. I just kind of got my sketch from it. We would've gone taller but it wouldn't fit in my room with the slanted ceilings.
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