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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
My glider eye is gray , disparately need for help :(
My glider eye is gray , disparately need for help :(
Health related
Dec 25 2012
10:21:21 AM
Hello all .. 

I bought a glider I think he's a 3 months old male ..

Before I start let me give u some information about his previous condition

1 -I bought him from a pet store where they put him in a very small birds cage

2- when I first got him he bite me ( I understand that he's just afraid )

3- he was shaking 

4 - his diet was a disaster ! They were feeding him birds food and nuts 

When I got him I noticed that he's left eye is not black ! I can say it's kindda gray it looks like there's some gray layre covering all his eye

However I refused to give up on him just because he has a health issue I feel sorry for him

Please my Q is : is he blind ? If not then what's exactly the cause of the gray color in his whole eye ? " the left one only "

He seems to like boiled egg so much I give him boiled egg , fruit and vegetables 

Because there's no way I can get the hpw diet I live in Saudi Arabia and no places sell these things but I'll order them online but for now what cdiet should I go on ?

In where I live sadly there are no exotic pet vets at all ! 

So help me to help my little friend here 
Health related
Dec 25 2012
10:41:53 AM
Eric C Retired GliderMap Gliderpedia Editor Visit Eric C's Photo Album Eric C's Journal TX, USA 2322 Posts
Hello Dana,

Welcome to the forum!

Since not all food products are available in different parts of the world, I think that whatever substitutions you need to make will be better for your sugar glider. If you can give your glider a variety of fresh fruits and some source of protein, then I think your glider will be fine.

If your glider's eye looks like this glider's eyes, then that would be blindness. The blind glider in this picture has no problems moving around. He doesn't glide, but he has no problems exploring.

And welcome to the forum.
Default, miscellaneous
Dec 25 2012
10:46:25 AM
Dana aziz Joey 17 Posts
Hello Eric

Thank you so much for the replay

My glider eye doesn't look like the one in the pic

It's black yet there is layer gray layer covering it ! And it's not shiny and bright like the right one

Thank you again for the help :)
Health related
Dec 25 2012
10:56:32 AM
Omis n Kais g-ma Pouch Protector Visit Omis n Kais g-ma's Photo Album TX, USA 7524 Posts
He may be blind in one eye only. You can't order HPW and have it sent to Saudi Arabia?
Health related
Dec 25 2012
12:50:00 PM
GliderLove94 Fuzzy Wuzzy Gliderpedia Editor Visit GliderLove94's Photo Album GliderLove94's Journal 1153 Posts
Originally posted by Eric C

Is this photo edited for his eyes?
Default, miscellaneous
Dec 25 2012
01:46:53 PM
Dana aziz Joey 17 Posts
My glider eye isn't like the one in the pic

It's black but as I said it looks like there's a layer on it : (
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Dec 25 2012
02:38:52 PM
LuckyGlider Zippy Glidershorts GliderMap Visit LuckyGlider's Photo Album LuckyGlider's Journal TX, USA 5266 Posts
He might have a scratch on the eye and sometimes the eye produces a layer of film to cover the scratch. Take him to a vet and see if some special drops can be given to him. He may also require antibiotics. If there is an infection in the eye it can travel to the brain and kill him. So don't let it go. IF the eye is "dead" it may need to be enucleated (surgically removed). One of our rescues had this done and they sew the eye shut. He recovered and a family adopted him and his cage mate about three years ago and he is doing fine.
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Dec 26 2012
12:32:46 AM
JeremyLexie Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit JeremyLexie's Photo Album USA 1190 Posts
He may need to have it removed. We are treating our because he scratched his eye with nail and it is cloudy gray looking. If he doesn't respond to meds he is going for surgery. Anyway you can get to a vet?
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Dec 26 2012
12:33:49 AM
JeremyLexie Fuzzy Wuzzy Visit JeremyLexie's Photo Album USA 1190 Posts
He may need to have it removed. We are treating our because he scratched his eye with nail and it is cloudy gray looking. If he doesn't respond to meds he is going for surgery. Anyway you can get to a vet?
Default, miscellaneous
Dec 26 2012
12:53:29 AM
Dana aziz Joey 17 Posts
Hello all thank u for ur replay

I meantioned earlier that I don't have any exotic pet vet in where I live " at all "

And I'm really started to get worried because u told me maybe I need to remove the eye , but I really can't take him to any random vet who knows nothing about gliders : (

Is there any other options ? I'm trying to do my best to provide him with all the neccecary things

: (
My glider eye is gray , disparately need for help :(

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
My glider eye is gray , disparately need for help :(