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GliderGossip GliderGossip
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Is my gliders diet ok?
Is my gliders diet ok?
Nov 30 2013
06:44:19 PM
Every night around 6:30 I feed my two gliders. I feed them 2 table spoons of frozen veggies (I thaw them out before I give them to my gliders) , 1 table spoon of hpw, some apple
slices, and some turkey. I was wondering if this diet sounds ok or if I should try something else what do you think?
Nov 30 2013
09:35:53 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
You need to offer a wide variety of fruits and vegetables - not the same ones every night. You can offer a little turkey once in a while but you do not need to feed extra protein with the HPW every night. It contains eggs to provide the protein your gliders need.

Try to offer some high calcium fruits and vegetables several nights each week. HPW is on the low end for calcium and feeding vegetables like Spinach, broccoli, Okra, Bok Choi (Chinese Cabbage) or papaya help ensure your gliders get enough calcium.

Mixed vegetables (corn peas carrots and green beans) are VERY low in calcium and I would limit those to only once or twice a week.

You can also choose from many different types of fruits and berries to offer your gliders. They love melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew) and many other types of fruit like mango or frozen cherries.
Dec 01 2013
06:33:43 AM
Allyj8 Joey 25 Posts
Ok I'm am going to walmart today what do you most suggest I pick up for them? P.s sometimes I feed my gliders bananas or cherries and I feed them turkey every other night.
Dec 01 2013
08:33:18 AM
BCChins Super Glider 219 Posts
Agree with Candy you need more fruits and veggie variety in your diet.

Also you do not need to feed turkey that much. Once a week you can have "junk food night" offering turkey and your fruits and veggies. You could also give them a straw cut to about an inch filled with yogurt and not feed your regular staple.
Dec 01 2013
09:01:47 AM
Allyj8 Joey 25 Posts
Ok but what veggies and fruits can I feed them every night? Also since I'm going to the store what should I pick up for them?
Dec 01 2013
05:14:04 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
I keep a variety of fruits and vegetables in the freezer to serve each night. I usually buy enough at the beginning of the month to feed my 14 gliders all month.

I get frozen green beans, peas & carrots, mixed vegetables, broccoli & cut okra. I also feed fresh sugar snap peas, spinach & spring mix salad.

I buy frozen mango and blueberries. I also get the cut up melons in the produce department - either a cup of mixed - watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew melon or a large bowl of each then I cut them smaller and freeze the pieces on a wax paper covered cookie sheet. Once frozen, I put the pieces in a zip lock bag. Pre-freezing keeps these from freezing into one hard chunk and makes it easy to serve the amount I need each night.

I usually freeze one type of melon or papaya each week - rotating them so I always have some of each one on hand to use.

I feed my gliders one fruit and one vegetable each night (mixed veggies and peas & carrots count as a single vegetable) but they get a different pair of fruit and vegetable each night of the week.
Dec 03 2013
06:36:42 PM
Allyj8 Joey 25 Posts
Originally posted by Candy

I keep a variety of fruits and vegetables in the freezer to serve each night. I usually buy enough at the beginning of the month to feed my 14 gliders all month.

I get frozen green beans, peas & carrots, mixed vegetables, broccoli & cut okra. I also feed fresh sugar snap peas, spinach & spring mix salad.

I buy frozen mango and blueberries. I also get the cut up melons in the produce department - either a cup of mixed - watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew melon or a large bowl of each then I cut them smaller and freeze the pieces on a wax paper covered cookie sheet. Once frozen, I put the pieces in a zip lock bag. Pre-freezing keeps these from freezing into one hard chunk and makes it easy to serve the amount I need each night.

I usually freeze one type of melon or papaya each week - rotating them so I always have some of each one on hand to use.

I feed my gliders one fruit and one vegetable each night (mixed veggies and peas & carrots count as a single vegetable) but they get a different pair of fruit and vegetable each night of the week.

Ok I will try do what you do and change it up for my gliders I feed the apples, frozen veggies, mangos, HPW, spinach. I also have sweet potato but have not tryed it with my gliders yet.
Dec 04 2013
05:31:10 AM
shannonlcorum Face Hugger Visit shannonlcorum's Photo Album 538 Posts
That's a great idea about cutting the melon into smaller pieces and freezing on wax paper first. I have to chisel my chunks apart to cut them up. Might have to try that next time. Anyone ever freeze kale? I hate wasting so much when I buy it but didn't know if it would freeze well. I did dehydrate some for some crunchy snacks for my suggies. Talk about stinking up the whole house!
Mar 16 2016
09:29:46 PM
NyxandBenny Glider Visit NyxandBenny's Photo Album AB, CA 166 Posts
I've juiced kale with collard greens add some honey or agave nectar some orange juice. I use the pulp in dog treats. I just poor the juice in ice cube trays.
Oct 23 2016
04:12:13 PM
duncan Joey 32 Posts
Can suggies drink vegetable juice
Is my gliders diet ok?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Is my gliders diet ok?