She does have a bowl for her dry food mix. Which is a bunch of different foods including dried meal worms. She also has a bowl with her liquid which I also feed her from the spoon and syringe. The liquid is fruit punch Gatorade kerns juice strawberry banana yogurt and the powder that has all the vitamins and stuff she needs.
Please take some time to learn more about your glider's nutritional needs.
Fruit Punch Gatorade contains added sugar and FOOD COLORING that gliders do not need and long term could cause health issues for her.
I am not sure which 'powder that has the vitamins and stuff' she needs is referring. Sprinkling a random amount of any type of vitamin supplement on foods is more likely to overdose your glider than to provide the appropriate amount.
Dry pellet foods sold by most pet stores will NOT provide the nutrients your glider needs to remain healthy.
There are a number of widely used glider feeding plans that you might consider. These have been used for over 5 years and maintain healthy gliders long term. I have links on my web page to several widely used feeding plans and my own GliderKids feeding plan.
These diets have a nectar like staple that provides the protein, vitamins and calcium your glider needs. The staple is fed with a wide variety of fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables each evening. Look at the information and choose one you would like to use for your glider. Ask questions if you need help making a choice.
Until you choose a diet for your glider you can feed plain scrambled or hard boiled egg or plain cooked chicken or plain baby food chicken for protein. About 1 tbs protein plus 1 TBS fruit and 1 TBS vegetables each night.
Never feed gliders anything with onion, garlic, leeks, rhubarb or chocolate.
Please feel free to ask questions we are here to help you.
As for bonding - your glider needs to learn to trust you. Be patient. Talk to her when ever you are near the cage and always say something before opening the cage door or touching her pouch so she will know it is you.