denparkin Glider  ON, CA
154 Posts
So I decided (with a little prompting) that I should do a review of the Critter Nation Model 162 Cage since I had such a hard time finding an appropriate and cost effective cage in Ontario Canada (shipping is crazy expensive). When I was researching the Critter Nation Cage, there were two main drawbacks I read about. The first drawback was that the cage is divided in half with just a small opening between the levels (you see this in all the manufacturer pictures). This would essentially cut gliding space in half. The second drawback was that the drop tray doesn't have a grate above it so the gliders will walk in their own waste. I'm happy to report that both these issues can be rectified. You do not have to put the shelf in the middle when you build the cage, and if you want the drop tray under the grate all you have to do is tie wrap the middle shelf (that you didn't use) to the bars on the bottom. My pictures below may explain this better. What I also like about this cage is that with all four doors open, cleaning inside is an absolute breeze. I also like the fact that the bars are horizontal for climbing, it's on wheels for easy movement, and there is a shelf for storage. Another cool fact about this cage is that you can add another level and make the cage 2 ft taller! Hope this may help someone else out who Is researching this cage in the future!
IndyColtsFan Joey 28 Posts My first post here, I've been lurking for a number of weeks leading up to the addition of our two new girls. When we purchased them they were given to us in a tiny cage you'd keep a parakeet in, which horrified me since my research had shown they really enjoy space. I opted for this cage as well, but it was sold under a rebranded name of "All Living Things" by PetSmart. What I didnt know was that the middle was optional. So a couple questions! 1. Do you think taking the middle divider out is a better idea? You sacrifice floor space for gliding space I guess. Is having that space more important for them? My wife is terrified that they might fall and hurt themselves! 2. I love the idea of having the litter tray below, so they arent walking in waste, but are there any concerns with them running across the wire? No risk of accidental injury? 3. They've only had two days in their new cage, and its been a very slow process of them warming up to it. One of the girls refused to leave her pouch the first night I think, she is a very timid one compared to her sister. Will making this change create yet another shock for them? Any suggestions here? Thanks and I am so glad I found this site! It has been a wealth of great information! Chad meganp1130 Joey 31 Posts Hi denparkin! I think I'll be upgrading my suggies cage to the Critter Nation in the next few months, as long as introductions go well with my new babies. Can you explain your setup with the bottom tray a little more? Is the middle shelf inside of the cage or underneath it? Does the cage sit on a removable stand? Can you still slide the tray out for cleaning? Selkie Joey 39 Posts I also have Critter Nation cages and I love them! We did exactly what was suggested in this post with the middle grate and the drop pan. However, someone else had an excellent suggestion for the drop pan as well. He gave up his shelf on the bottom of the cage and simply turned the bottom part of the cage support upside down, putting the wheels in what should have been the top of the cage base and then using the storage shelf as the shelf for the drop pan. I haven't tried that as the zip ties are working to hold up the middle shelf really well. But it is an option if you don't want to mess with the zip ties. MissKitty Joey Canada 45 Posts Denparkin where did you buy your cage from? I am also in Ontario and am in need of a new cage. The one I have is too small and I want a cage like yours to they have lots of room and can glide freely etc...Did you buy it online or where is this sold? How much was this? I was looking on Exotic Nutrition for cages and the shipping is insane! Thanks
tsugie Super Glider   370 Posts MissKitty Joey Canada 45 Posts Awesome! I am getting this cage! Thanks so much for posting pics and the pros and cons, but with a little tweaking those cons can be modified. Im printing this off so I can set it up the same way you have yours :) So the one on by Critter Nation is the exact same cage sold at Pets Smart only under the name All Living Things? No differences? Ill have a look at the link you posted. Oh and awhile back I was asking about where to buy the Original HPW and how the shipping was crazy expensive to Canada. I saw your post in my thread asking if I found cheaper shipping to let you know. I posted a reply there but not sure if you noticed or not. I bought mine from Karen at the Pampered Glider and she gave me cheaper shipping options. She shipped it First Class for $20.00 and it took less then a week to get to me which was amazing! Didnt take long at all. Much better shipping price then what was originally quoted $58 for Priority mail. MissKitty Joey Canada 45 Posts Denparkin - are those raptor wheels? I have the wodent wheel but was thinking of getting the raptor wheel. I heard the raptor wheel has a track that trims their nails too but doesn't irritate their paw pads if left in too long the way the wodent wheel can. where did you buy your wheel? i want a pink one for my girls :) MissKitty Joey Canada 45 Posts When you bought your cage on did you get it cheaper then $450? Thats what they are selling them at now on there. Thats expensive! The one at Petsmart is only $229. Much better price. denparkin Glider  ON, CA 154 Posts Ya, I noticed the price on Amazon went up substantially! I paid $300 for mine. I would definitely check kijiji as well. I often see them for $150-$200. I would go with the Petsmart one personally. If you look at the pictures IndyColtsFan posted it looks exactly the same. dogsnbears Joey 18 Posts Flower Town Chinchillas
sells the Critter Nation and you can pick it up to save on shipping if you live close enough (Brampton) They also sell metal trays for them. vzo9 Starting Member 1 Posts Denparkin, what is the size of the cage minus the stand? In other words, what are the dimensions of the space the gliders can use? Thanks in advance. denparkin Glider  ON, CA 154 Posts Cori224 Starting Member 1 Posts I'm getting 2 babies very soon so I'm setting up their cage. I already have a critter nation. I was under the impression that babies need to have more horizontal bars to hold on to, so I was planning on wrapping it with landware cloth. But after reading this thread I'm wondering if it's even necessary. Thoughts? Jackgsd Starting Member 2 Posts Will the critter nation cage work for new borns? I have the critter nation and just found out my female is pregnant. I am worried the new Joey can get out of the cage when he/she comes out of the pouch... Any suggestions? JHoldsworth Joey 11 Posts Oh my god, you’re my hero! I’ve been trying to figure out a way to add in a drop tray for the last month! I’m doing a full clean tomorrow and I’m going to give this a try. The lack of drop tray is the only thing I don’t like about the critter nation cage. I’ve been using a small dust on every day to clean up after them in the mornings, and this is going to make morning clean up so much easier! Petarus brevicapus fan Joey Norway 22 Posts So good that you shared this!! But can you join several critternationcages togheter? Just curious. It seems so boring to live in a cage... If gliders where legal here I would definatily get some and give them the biggest cage I can clean!! And with a fake moon (any reviews on these? Are they as good as I think?) and lots of pouches and ropes.
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