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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Suggestions on water bottle
Suggestions on water bottle
Food, Diet
Jan 08 2015
08:46:13 AM
So I have two methods for water in my glider cage. I have a small dish that holds about 1 oz of water that is side mounted to the cage. Its shaped like a flower with the dish sliding inside. I think the intended use is for parakeet feet, but I liked how it looks and I have noticed that Eva likes to drink from it while standing on the sides of it. It small enough where I don't fear them risking themselves by having it on the cage. The other item I have is a water bottle, but its very clunky and doesn't really mount well in my cage.

I'd like to get a replacement bottle and I thought I saw somewhere of a bottle where just the reservoir comes out, leaving the mount and actual "straw" still mounted. Can anyone direct me to that specific bottle or do you have any recommendations for a bottle that is easier to remove without having to constantly unclasp everything to get filled and then remounted? For reference I have the Critter Nation cage.

Food, Diet
Jan 08 2015
09:06:12 AM
rustypossumfart Face Hugger Visit rustypossumfart's Photo Album USA 459 Posts
I use a glass water silo, but plastic is ok as well, like the one depicted below:

I prefer those over water bottle like these:

Because, 1 it is easier to clean, and 2, I don't worry about the ball at the end of the "straw" getting stuck and them not being able to get water.

I would definitively like to see a picture of that flower shape dish, sounds interesting.

Hope this is helpful.
Food, Diet
Jan 08 2015
09:37:03 AM
TJones09 Goofy Gorillatoes Visit TJones09's Photo Album 3524 Posts
I agree, I also prefer silos for the same reason. I do use a plastic one though, it works for vertical bared cages though, not an option if you have grid or horizontal bars. The one in photo above should work with any type I would think.

Silos have a small cup at the bottom, it's narrow so they can't sit in it. This helps keep the water clean and allows for them to drink as they would out of a bowl.

If you should decide to go with silos, you can always use the little dish to put a couple of treats in, it sounds really cute. Otherwise watch and make sure they don't or can't sit in it and get wet, lol or worse contaminate the water supply. If there is no problems such as those that arise, it should be ok to continue for water use if you'd prefer.
Food, Diet
Jan 08 2015
03:16:27 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
I use a Lixit waterbottle sold in the bird section of most pet stores. It is smaller only 5 ounces. It comes with a bracket that attaches to the vertical bars of most cages. (also will not work with mesh cages or ones with only horizontal bars)

There is a nub molded into the plastic that fits neatly in the bracket attached to the cage bars so removing and replacing the water bottle is quick and very easy.

The wide mouth makes the bottle easy to clean with a baby bottle brush. There is a rubber gasket in the top of the bottle that creates a seal and I have never had one leak. I used this type bottle for my parakeets long before I had gliders.

Inside the Cage


Food, Diet
Jan 08 2015
07:13:55 PM
IndyColtsFan Joey Visit IndyColtsFan's Photo Album 28 Posts
Candy, thats the one I was looking for! But it only attaches to vertical cages? Rats! Mine is horizontal. I knew that was better for climbing so I specifically looked for that type. Darn it!

The search continues! :)

Suggestions on water bottle

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Suggestions on water bottle