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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Possible Abscess?
Possible Abscess?
Health related
May 28 2015
10:19:44 PM
Hi all... long time lurker here...

Tonight when I was feeding my gliders I noticed that my male has a swollen face. He's eating fine, and was still active/running around normally at feeding time. There's some redness under where the swelling is (see photo). Any thoughts on what this might be or what could have caused it? Possibly a self-inflicted scratch that has gotten infected?

For the record... the vet has already been called, and we are going tomorrow as soon as they open (it's nearly midnight here). Any thoughts on the subject would be greatly appreciated.

Health related
May 28 2015
10:56:42 PM
Leela Goofy Gorillatoes Gliderpedia Editor Visit Leela's Photo Album Leela's Journal 2919 Posts
I've not dealt with abscesses thank god, but I do know how stressing it is worrying while you wait to get to the vet. I went through it allll day today and it sucked!!

I'm glad you have an appointment already though the best thing is to get them in as early as you can when ever you see anything different/wrong.

I really don't want to hazard a guess as to what cause it though I'm sorry I wish I could help more and I hope it gets fixed up quickly Let us know what the vet said too please sending you good juju.
Health related
May 28 2015
11:05:57 PM
GLIDEIT Super Glider Visit GLIDEIT's Photo Album Canada 330 Posts
Is that a scab? Is he in with other gliders? It looks like it could be a cut, maybe a nip from another glider? If it is external maybe take a cotton ball and rub it all over the cage/toys/etc to make sure there isn't anything sharp he could've cut himself on. I know gliders can have issues with their teeth that can cause swelling as well.

Good that you are taking him in, he will need antibiotics if it is an infection. Luckily you caught it quickly. I hope your baby is ok, let us know what the vet says tomorrow!
Health related
May 28 2015
11:09:38 PM
FrankieFan Joey Visit FrankieFan's Photo Album 34 Posts
Thanks for the responses. No, he is not with other gliders... and as far as I can tell there is nothing sharp in or around his cage. I am so nervous about him, and I'm hoping for good news tomorrow. I will keep you posted. It's difficult because he was a rescue, and is so shy and timid that I still cannot handle him at all. It will make any follow-up care very difficult and stressful for us both. :(
Health related
May 28 2015
11:12:33 PM
Leela Goofy Gorillatoes Gliderpedia Editor Visit Leela's Photo Album Leela's Journal 2919 Posts
I'm familiar with rescues lol I just got 2 new girls Sat and my male is a rescue. How long have you had him and what was he fed and being fed now??
Health related
May 28 2015
11:23:16 PM
FrankieFan Joey Visit FrankieFan's Photo Album 34 Posts
I've had him for 4 or 5 years now, and haven't had any issues . He was abused by his previous owner and only fed that crap pellet food. I've been feeling the HPW Original diet with fruits and veggies for the entire time I have had him.
Health related
May 29 2015
06:57:20 PM
FrankieFan Joey Visit FrankieFan's Photo Album 34 Posts
Back from the vet...

Frankie did have a small puncture wound and abscess on his face. The vet sedated him and opened up the wound so she could clean and drain it. He is back home and happy with a daily pain/inflammation med and antibiotics for the next two weeks.

Fortunately the vet said it was not related to his teeth or gums, and that his mouth looked very healthy.

I cleaned his cage and toys so as to help avoid further infection, but am yet to find what he hurt himself on.

So far so good... I'll let you know if anything changes!
Health related
May 29 2015
07:34:41 PM
Leela Goofy Gorillatoes Gliderpedia Editor Visit Leela's Photo Album Leela's Journal 2919 Posts
awww glad he's on the mend
Health related
Jun 02 2015
07:58:59 PM
FrankieFan Joey Visit FrankieFan's Photo Album 34 Posts
Frankie's face is back to its normal size... and in place of the old wound is fresh, healthy, pink skin. He's been combative, but my boyfriend and I have both managed to warm compress his wound once a day. He's going to be on the antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for another week and a half... but so far so good.

I just want to say, to anyone out there who has or will ever have a glider with an abscess - you can do it. It's scary, but with a prompt vet visit and careful care of your glider, it can get better. My poor baby was abused by a previous owner, and after five years of attempting to bond still will not allow me to handle him. Yet... I have been able to help hom heal. Don't get discouraged!
Possible Abscess?

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Sugar Gliders
Possible Abscess?