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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Help me please! I live in California and my Sugar Glider is sick!
Help me please! I live in California and my Sugar Glider is sick!
Jan 27 2016
09:02:04 PM
My male sugar glider has a swollen eye, under the socket. Eye is dry looking and no puss is leaking. Picture below, what should I do? He is eating and he showed no symptoms yesterday. He seems uneasy but not in pain. If I take him to the vet they will most likley take him away and I don't want that unless it is the only option. Not sure what to do, and I have female too. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Jan 27 2016
09:36:31 PM
Candy Cuddle Bear Visit Candy's Photo Album FL, USA 8110 Posts
Your glider needs to see a vet. Take him out of state if you cannot find a vet you trust in California.

The drying of his eye may cause permanent damage to his sight.

The swelling is most likely an abcess from either a wound or a tooth issue - it needs to be treated with antibiotics and only a vet can make the proper diagnosis and give you the proper medication.

Left untreated the abcess could progress to sepsis - infection in the blood which most likely would be fatal.

Jan 28 2016
10:56:47 AM
SnugglyBuddies Starting Member 3 Posts
Yeah, you seriously need to take him to a vet.
Jan 28 2016
11:19:10 AM
mnsnldy Starting Member Visit mnsnldy's Photo Album 4 Posts
Taking him in now, thank you guys for the advice. Will update when I get back in.
Nov 23 2016
12:56:53 PM
minime3 Glider Visit minime3's Photo Album USA 50 Posts
I realize this is an old post but wanted to note that there is a law in California that allows people to take their illegal pets to the vet without the fear of having them taken away. exotic vets in California are familiar with ferrets, sugar gliders, hedgehogs, ect.
Help me please! I live in California and my Sugar Glider is sick!

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Help me please! I live in California and my Sugar Glider is sick!