I prefer to feed one fruit and one vegetable each night because I just serve most of them right out of the package if frozen - no preparation just put it on the plate.
I buy green beans, broccoli, cut okra, mixed vegetables, sugar snap peas, spinach or collard greens already frozen & ready to serve. I sometimes add a fresh vegetable like cherry tomatoes, wax beans, or spring mix salad if I see them at the grocery store or produce stand.
I do cut up papaya, watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew melons into glider hand size pieces. I spread the pieces out on a wax paper or freezer paper covered cookie sheet and put them in the freezer. Once frozen I put the pieces of each in a zip lock bag. I can then easily serve one of these each night. I only need to cut up ONE of these every few weeks to keep some of each on hand. I buy blue berries, black berries, cherries and mango already frozen.
I have found that serving a mixture allows my gliders to avoid eating their least favorite fruit or vegetable EVERY NIGHT so that item goes to waste and they do not benefit from its nutrients.
When I serve even their least favorite vegetable separately - they will eat it.
If you look at the recipe posted above - it makes a HUGE AMOUNT of food. Someone posted that the full recipe from the CritterLove web site makes a TRASH BAG FULL - that would be the same mixture for MONTHS if you are only feeding one or two gliders.
Once you cut up the fruits and vegetables for the mixture you must stir the mixture frequently as it freezes to prevent the juices from the fruits from making the whole mixture stick together as one huge solid frozen block which would make it difficult to chop off a glider serving each night.
If you feel that is the easiest way to feed your glider - You might want to divide EACH fruit and vegetable by 4 and make only 1/4 of the full batch at a time - you would still have to store the rest of the bags of the frozen vegetables in your freezer until you make another batch.
Your gliders would get less variety - peas, carrots, green beans, corn, boc choi and cucumber for vegetables and black berries, strawberries, blue berries apple and cantaloupe.