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GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Sugar glider acting funny please help
Sugar glider acting funny please help
Jul 24 2016
01:08:19 AM
Hi I just got my sugar glider recently who's had a little bit of a rough life
She was first w my grandma, then got gave to my mom for about 3 months, then she got kicked out so she stayed somewhere else then got moved again and stayed there with out my mom for about 2 months, that's when I finally got her.
She hadn't had the sugar glider food for like 5 months since my mom had gotten kicked out. As soon as I got her I went and got the food & she's been eating it fine, however I don't think she's drinking as she should. Within the week 1/2 Iv had her I haven't had to fill up her water at all which wasn't normal.
She hasn't been active at night like she used too. She's up at weird times like off and on during the day for probably 10-20 minutes then goes back to bed. When we let her out of her cage she will run around for a bit (she can't jump hardly either) but she will go back in her cage when she's done and goes back to sleep.
She also lets me pet her wherever which was never allowed 8 months ago when my mom first got her. I can pet her head and under her chin or stomach without her screeching or even caring hardly.

Someone please help me!
Sugar glider acting funny please help

GliderGossip GliderGossip
Gliderpedia Discussion
Sugar glider acting funny please help