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OpenWiki recognizes a few macro names. A macro is recognized as such if its name appears between a pair of <.>'s characters (<./> is also accepted).
E.g. <TableOfContents> and <TableOfContents /> are macro's.

Some macro's accept one or more parameters. Parameters are given directly following the macroname and are enclosed between a pair of (...)'s characters. Mulitple parameters are separated by comma's.
E.g. <FullSearch("^Help")>, <RecentChanges(10,30)>.

All known macro's that are supported by OpenWiki are described below.


See the page Help On Images for examples on the image macro.

Table Of Contents

To show the table of contents of a page use the macro <TableOfContents>. This table is created by looking at all the headers used within a page.
  • Introduction
  • Images
  • Table Of Contents
  • Line Break
  • Including Pages
  • Anchors
  • Searches
  • Indexes
  • Random Pages
  • Syndication
  • Aggregation
  • User Preferences
  • Inter Wiki
  • System Info
  • As you can see from the example , the table of contents flows into the page and text is wrapped around it. Anything above the marco will be above the table of contents box, and anything below the macro will start off to the left and wrap around the box. By putting the <TableOfContents> macro as the very first line of an article, you can avoid having text above it.

    Line Break

    By default OpenWiki ignores linebreaks. Actually it's a feature of all web browsers which OpenWiki simply inherits. If you want a line directly followed by a new line then you can use the macro <br>. Below you see an example which shows the difference:
    this is line one.
    is this line two?
    this is line one. <br>
    is this line two?
    this is line one. is this line two?

    this is line one.
    is this line two?

    Including Pages

    One of the more powerful macro's is the <Include> macro. Using this macro you can include another wiki page into the current wiki page. This is great if for example you want to use a common menu structure for a subset of your wiki. See for example MyProject.

    Pass the name of the Wiki Page you want to include, e.g.:
    Help Menu: Wiki? | Creating A New Page | Editing | Formatting | Emoticons | Headers | Linking | Macros | Processing Instructions | Tables | Images


    You can put invisible anchors in your page by using the <Anchor> macro. Pass the name of the anchor as a parameter, e.g.:
    <Anchor(MyAnchor)> This piece of text is anchored.
    This piece of text is anchored.


    To show an input editbox that will do a search through all the titles of the pages in this wiki use the macro <TitleSearch>. Below an example is shown:
    Title search: 
    Title search:

    The <TitleSearch> macro also accepts a parameter. Instead of showing an editbox it will then show a list of page titles that match the pattern of the parameter. E.g.:
    List of all the help page (assuming all these start with the letters "Help"):
    List of all the help page (assuming all these start with the letters "Help"):

    To show an input editbox that will do a full text search through all the pages in this wiki use the macro <FullSearch>. Below an example is shown:
    Full text search: 
    Full text search:

    The <FullSearch> macro also accepts a parameter. Instead of showing an editbox it will then do a full text search through all the pages and show a list of the pages that match the pattern of the parameter. E.g.:
    List all pages containing the word "Text Search":
    <FullSearch("Text Search")>
    List all pages containing the word "Text Search":

    To show an input editbox that will allow you to go to a page or create a new page by entering it's name in the editbox use the macro <GoTo>.


    To view a list of all the pages in this wiki use the macro <TitleIndex>. See Title Index for an example.

    To view a list of all the words used in the titles of wiki pages use the macro <WordIndex>. See Word Index for an example.

    To view a list of recently changed pages use the macro <RecentChanges>. When no parameters are provided all pages changed in the last 30 days will be shown. See for example the Recent Changes page.

    One or two paramterers are accepted. The first parameter is the maximum number of days that should be shown in the change list. The second parameter is the maximum number of page titles that should be shown in the change list. When a parameter is not a number or less or equal than zero, then a default value is taken.

    The example below will show all recently changed pages in the last 24 hours.

    The example below will show a maximum of 10 recently changed pages.

    A related macro is <RecentChangesLong> which gives a more detailed list of recent changes.

    For more information about recently changed pages and how revisions work see Help On Revisions.

    Random Pages

    To show a random page link use the macro <RandomPage>. Below a random page link is shown:

    To show a number of random page links, pass the number as a parameter to the macro. For example, below 5 random page links are shown by using the macro <RandomPage(5)>:
    Breeder Standards
    The Pet Glider Exotic Diet
    Introductions By Luckyglider
    Sunseed Sunscription Vita


    News related sites often offer a so-called RSS feed. This feed is available through a URL. For example, the latest news headlines from Slashdot are retrievable through the URL

    It's possible to syndicate these news headlines into OpenWiki. To do this use the macro <Syndicate>. This macro needs at least one parameter, the second parameter is optional. The first parameter must be the URL to the RSS feed enclosed by quotes. The second parameter must be a number (in minutes) which tells how often to refresh the news, where the default is 120 minutes or 2 hours. Retrieving the news headlines is a costly operation so you don't want to set the refresh rate too low.

    <Syndicate("", 120)> 
    News for nerds, stuff that matters Hacked, Emails and Locations Data of Volunteers Compromised
    Google Chrome Extension Caught Stealing Bitcoin From Users
    Study Finds 3 Laws Could Reduce Firearm Deaths By 90%
    Children To Parents: 'Don't Post About Me On Facebook Without Asking Me'
    VPN Provider's No-Logging Claims Tested In FBI Case
    U.S. Says North Korean Submarine Missing
    Amazon Working On Education Platform To Offer Free Learning Materials
    Hotel Experience With Android Lightswitches
    Windows 10 Upgrade Reportedly Starting Automatically On Windows 7 PCs
    Wi-Fi Hotspot Blocking Persists Despite FCC Crackdown
    TP-Link Blocks Open Source Router Firmware To Comply With FCC Rules
    Hertz Had Sheriffs On Hand the Day It Cut IT
    The Source of All Major Android Banking Trojans Just Got Updated To V2
    Intel's Optane SSD Compatible With NVMe; Could Boost MacBook Storage Speeds By 1000x
    Alpha Go Takes the Match, 3-0
    Search Slashdot:

    last update: March 14, 2016 06:53
    | refresh | refresh all

    Use of this macro can be disabled by the system administrator.

    For more information about RSS see RDFSiteSummary.


    Just as you can syndicate RSS feeds into a wiki page, it's possible to aggregate multiple RSS feeds into one list. Define all the RSS feeds you want to aggregate using the Syndicate macro, put all these definitions in one wiki page, and then use the macro Aggregate in any wiki page to aggregate the RSS feeds defined in the wiki page with the Syndicate macro's.

    This macro needs one parameter, which must be the name of the wiki page containing the Syndicate macro's.


    To view the results of this example, see AllTheNews and AllTheNews/Aggregation.

    Use of this macro can be disabled by the system administrator.

    User Preferences

    To show the user preferences use the macro <UserPreferences>. See for example the page UserPreferences.

    Inter Wiki

    To show the list of known Inter Wikis use the macro <InterWiki>.
  • Acronym
  • Amazon
  • Artist
  • C2
  • DejaNews
  • Dictionary
  • EbaySearch
  • EbayStore
  • Google
  • Groups
  • HtmlHelp
  • Meatball
  • MoinMoin
  • OpenWiki
  • RFC
  • SiteSearch
  • Whois
  • YouTube
    <object width="600" height="340"><param name="movie" value="$1&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0x0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="$1&amp;rel=0&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="340" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

    System Info

    Below information about this system is shown:
    OpenWiki Version:0.78 rev.1.2
    XML Schema Version:0.91
    VBScript Version:5.8.23552
    ADO Version:2.8
    Total No. Of Pages:282
    No. Of System Pages:35
    No. Of Article Pages:247
    No. Of Revisions:1652

    This wiki contains 282 Wiki Pages.

    <Date> <Time> <DateTime>
    The date on this server is February 18, 2025

    The time on this server is 15:55

    The datetime on this server is February 18, 2025 15:55