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I'm so happy :o)

Jan 21, 2009

 I'm so happy :o)

I can't help it! I have to brag about BabyGirls improvements... As many of you know, she is getting over a upper respiratory infection. Even though we paid a visit to the vet and got her on some baytril, I wasn't seeing the results fast enough to breathe again. She was sluggish, cranky, sleeping all the time in fact, her hours are backwards. She hasn't been waking up until almost 8am! Last night it was 6am, and tonight she got up at 5am! Whoohoo :) I know that is off, but I feel so much better because it was an hour earlier and she was actually playing with me! When I ordered from Suncoast, they gave us a fleece "ring thing" she refused to play with. Today she attacked it, pulled on it, latched onto me... almost back to her normal self :) I can't tell you how good it felt to play with her again!!! Thank God! I am working on getting back in bed before midnight like most normal people do :) I'm saying my prayers of thanks that she is getting better :)


Feb 12 2009 : 02:31:52 AM
Thanks Anita! It turned out better than I thought it would :) But no, BabyGirl is still picky as ever when it comes to eating veggies and fruits. I look forward to hearing from ya!!!

Feb 06 2009 : 12:20:53 AM
Hi Misty, I love the picture of baby girl giving you a kiss. It is so sweet. Is she eating any better. I'll try and give you a short call tomorrow night before I have to head out of town for the weekend. If you don't hear from me I'll get up with you when I get back. Have a great weekend.

Jan 25 2009 : 02:10:12 AM
Thank you for the reassurance! I'm a worry wart ;) Her eating habits are better, and she's definitely playing more. However, it looks like her sleeping schedule may take a bit longer to get back on track. It's 2:15am, and she's still snoozing away in my shirt... she gets cranky with me when I try to wake her up.

Jan 24 2009 : 03:34:03 AM
I'm glad she's doing better. It'll probably be a week before she's really back to herself, so don't worry if it seems slow.

Jan 22 2009 : 09:53:57 PM
Today was a better day for Baby. It has been a constant struggle with food and liquids since Monday. We've been keeping her hydrated, and today she was eating more. So, I made it a point to put her in her cage to rest as much as possible in hopes to get her sleeping schedule back on track. We are keeping our fingers crossed that she will eat more of her dinner tonight! PS: Her little hands and feet aren't chapped anymore!

Jan 22 2009 : 08:17:14 PM
I'm so happy to hear this. I get worried when they don't play or run from me when they normally are handing on the cage waiting to get attention from me. I'm also praying you get to help out Sigmar. My heart is aching for that man and having to give up his gliders. Please let me know how it works out.

Jan 21 2009 : 06:55:50 PM
I am so sorry that happened! I can't even imagine what you felt :(

Jan 21 2009 : 05:01:26 PM
Congratulations! I hope she will make a Full improvement on her health. My little joey did not sadly. He is in a better place now I would give anything 2 have him back




 About Me

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Gender: Female
Occupation:Looking for employment
Member since: Jan 9, 2009
Posts: 576
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My Hobbies
Meeting others that share the same love for suggies :)
My News
I haven't been on here much these last few years. I still have my two suggies and love them both very much. BabyGirl just hit her 10 year mark! Charlie is almost 8 years old :)
Favorite Quote
~ Live each day as if it's your last ~ ~ Treat others as you would want to be treated ~ Anita (Goldwinger) and I personally love this one: ~ Everything happens for a reason, because fate is behind it all ~
My Bio
Born and raised in Midland, TX. I am married to a wonderful man and proud to say we have been together 6 years and recently tied the knot Aug 1st 2015! I am a mother of 2 kids (21 yr old girl, and 13 yr old boy) and acquired a 12 year old boy thru marriage :).


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