OK - seems the only time Piper does this 'tantrum' thing is when she's in a nest - never does it outside the nest. Therefore it's GOTTA be some protectiveness of the nest thing left over from birthing joy's/joeys. And Starling never does the growling thing unless Piper's doing it - so GOTTA be some mother/daughter support thing.
Aerrow however NEVER joins in and will either just bail out of the nest when the two start up, or he'll wait for me to do something about it (like run ballistic mom and daughter out of the nest which stops their growling/snapping immediately as they seek one of the other two nests, and gives Aerrow the nest by himself, and usually he'll also get a good head/cheek rub with back massage for being such a lovely )
Reward good behavior - discourage bad behavior
Still, once I've ran the two trouble makers out of the nest and before they hide away in one of the other nests, I'll give each a 'petting' once they're out and no longer carrying-on...
...also, Piper is now actually allowing me to pet her - even in the nest - occasionally at least, and without being so skiddish ~ gotta wear her down and re-tame her ;-D