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My Sugar Glider Main Diet Recipe

Mar 5, 2021

 My Sugar Glider Main Diet Recipe

Sugar Glider Main Diet Recipe

Makes a four day supply for three Sugar Gliders; or, twelve day supply for one (then freeze 2nd ½ of recipe)

Begin by getting Exotic Nutrition’s Glider Complete and its Instant HPW honey & Fruit…

In a small microwavable bowl put a “heaping” ounce of Complete. Add to that (1) tbs (tablespoonful) of whole grain rolled oats (aka 1-minute oatmeal) and about (½) ounce of honey. Finally put (1¾) ounce of filtered water – mix well and microwave high for 60 seconds.

Then prepare (¾) ounces of mixed vegetables (ie frozen mix of carrots, green peas, green beans, and corn microwaved to tenderize first) and use a fork to mush/squish up.

Then put (¾) ounce of cranberry sauce (w/real cranberries) into microwave for 30 sec.

Mix contents so far together in the small microwavable bowl, and add (¾) ounce of filtered water – then microwave contents for 30 sec.

Add (1) ounce of HPW powder in small portions to small microwavable bowl, mixing-in between portions – mix will thicken-up.

Split contents of small microwavable bowl into four portions, and use one portion per day for three sugar gliders, or one portion per three days for one sugar glider.

When ready to serve:

Mix (¾) ounce of filtered water with each portion.

Add pinch of Exotic Nutrition’s Glider-Cal to each portion and mix well.

Take drained/pressed firm TOFU and dice up into ¼-inch cubes - putting about 10-12 cubes in a portion. Mix very gently…

Then microwave portion for 30 sec and let cool to warm. Serve…

Serve full portion to three sugar gliders, or split portion into thirds for a single sugar glider - refrigerating unused part of portion and then microwaving for 30 sec. when needed.

Best to serve portion of main diet around 6-7 PM (sunset), then remove the next morning (sunrise) when sugar gliders are asleep. Recommend a small bowl of ‘treats’ be given around 3-5 AM, which can be removed around the 6-7 PM (sunset) feeding time…

All unused food/treats removed should be discarded and never reused. (I’ll sometimes snack on the unused non-insect treats, heh, heh – just make sure it hasn’t been peed/pooped on – yuck!)

Treat suggestion: small amount of sliced-up blueberries, or sliced up figs, or diced apple slices (no seeds), or pear preserves, etc. If sugar glider(s) begin to ignore main diet ~ hold off treat(s) for a night or two. Insect treats should be given in very small amount typically in early morning (wake sugar glider(s) up for this special treat), and treat only a couple of times a week with insects…

Weight of an adult sugar glider should average around 140 grams (115-160) for males, 115 grams (95-135) for females.
The three of mine weigh 155, 160, and 165 grams… they’re kinda fat ;-)


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