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Notes about SSG HPW

Feb 17, 2012

 Notes about SSG HPW

Today I made the SSG HPW meal plan using the SSG Fruit & Veggie Mix 1. First off it made a LOT more then I expected. I bought 6 ice cub trays today with 16 spaces each which equals 96; each cube has 1 Tbs of the mix & 3/4 tsp HPW. According to their feeding directions 1 glider should get 2 cubs. Anyway all of the spots were filled & I also used my baby bullet thing to make another few & I still have over half left. I'm going to have to let the first set freeze then put in the next set. According to my calculations, feeding 2 spots per day to just him would last me about 96 days! But since in 17 days I will be getting the females I figure it'll last about 36 days-which is fine.
I have also decided to make a batch of SSG Fruit Smoothie 2 & Veggie Relish 2, but I might not make them into actual smoothies-reason below. I want to make a diff batch(s) to give variety-I'd hate eating the same food every day so they prob do too. If All the batches do the same amount I'm looking at enough food for a total of 56 days.
I also started to make the dining hall today to deter any messes, but it looks like I shouldnt worry about it tonight because he won't eat it! Idk if its because its smooth or because its not food he's ever had (bought from PPP so all he's had is pellets). I tried putting yogies in it ("sprinkled" on top), which he ate, but he hasnt touched the rest. He's also drinking more water, but other then that he's acting normal. However, I simply can't afford to switch feeds & the ingrediants weren't cheap today by any means so at this point idk what to do.well, I had to get up extra early yhis morning due to DD having a check up so I'm loggin.


Feb 19 2012 : 05:00:56 AM
I put the HPW in a separate bowl. I used to put the cube of HPW on top of their f/v, but found they eat all of it if I put it by itself. I don't blend the f/v, just cut into small pieces.

Feb 17 2012 : 03:54:41 AM
Sorry for spelling errors, it IS 4am lol

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Gender: Female
Occupation:Owner/Operator of Country'n'Crafty's Gliders'n'Goods/SAHM/WIfe
Member since: Feb 9, 2012
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I am married to my HS sweet heart and we have two beautiful children-a boy and a girl. I am a SAHM, wife, and owner/operator of Country'n'Crafty's Gliders'n'Goods. We have a cat, 2 dogs, a fish tank, and 16 sugar gliders: Almanzo(M), Brandy(POF), Captain(NM), Chardonnay(POF), Dallie(F), Doe(F), Jack(NM), Jade(POF), Jasper(NM), Jean(F), Jim(NM), June(F), Kaycee(F), Laurabeth(F), Rosin(F), & Sangria(POF),


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