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Drakkie's Journal
1/17: I want a journal entry too!

Jan 17, 2008

 1/17: I want a journal entry too!

Well, we (my bf and I) need to stop adopting gliders!! After Kirby, we will have offically 7 suggies, and the bowls arn't fitting in the microwave anymore .

*Adalee (I think thats how you spell her name): I got her for my bf for xmas, shes I believe 4 months old and some weeks (I need to look it up). She had to go to the vet because she was going at her tail! When we picked her up, we thought her tail did look funny. So our friend, who we got the baby from, paid for the vet visit and even offered us a glider to keep her busy! Which I thought was really nice of him!

*Melody (Mel for short): She is younger than Adalee (picked her up last night so we dont know much about her yet lol)

We put the both of them in the tent to do a little intro, Melly was kind of scared and kept picking her hand up at Adalee and crab once.

*Kirby: The baby boy, when I visited him he wasnt ready to leave yet, he wasnt ready to eat mom and dad's food! So hopefully he'll be ready by Feb 2nd! =)

****Updates on the other babies*********

*Boo: Shes still my innocent sweetheart! Nothing new with her, besides the fact that I need to make her a new bonding pouch lol

*Beba: I made him the awesome bonding pouch! lol

Gizmo: She seems to be finally coming around, she escaped when I was playing with her today and she paused and looked at me and started making different little funny faces! 1st they scared me cuz I thought something was wrong with her! But apparently it was more like a "Nah nah nahhhh nah you cant catch me" face lol

[Edit] (Thanks to Kyro) hehe
Georgie (my bf's glider): I believe hes related to Gizmo, because theyre so much alike, he seems to be more crabby however. He knows his name and knows when its treat time(literally comes running when he hears a crackle from a bag thinking its treat time!)

Now I'm rambling XD! Thats all for now! =)


Jan 18 2008 : 11:03:01 AM
You're going to be the "crazy sugar lady" down the block! LOL Oh, who's #7?

Jan 17 2008 : 10:13:06 PM
So are all of these guys caging separately? I usually prepare my foods early and let them sit on the counter for an hour or longer to thaw. No microwaving needed. But, the divided baby bowls from Walmart work great in the microwave! [img][/img]

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Gender: Female
Member since: Mar 7, 2007
Posts: 1116
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My Hobbies
Here's a list of the babies I currently own!: 3 Sugar Gliders (Kirby and Holly + Baby) 2 Cats (Spooky and Stitch) 2 Rabbits (Zoey and Teeny) 1 Hedgehog (Einie) 1 Fat Hamster (Bubba) 5 Ratties
My Bio
I'm 22 years old, with a love for animals and children. I currently attend college and work there as well!


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