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Goldwinger's Journal
Still Around and Loving My Babies

Mar 17, 2011

 Still Around and Loving My Babies

Just a journal note to post that I am still around. I haven't posted in many months and do not spend everyday here. Sometimes it may take me two months to come and check out the site and read some stories. I was and still have a problem with the issue's that people want to argue about and the threads where people won't listen to reason. I decided I needed a break from it but know I will be back one day in full participation.

Cosmo and Lucas are just as great as ever. They are so cute and I am still so much in love with my babies. I'm amazed everyday at their antics and their love for me. I can hardly believe I was fortunate enough to learn about Sugar Gliders to begin with much less have them in my life.

My greatest accomplishment still is and will always be my rescues. My Luna, Milk Dud and Jack are doing so well. Luna and Milk Dud now do not hesitate to come out of the cage to me everyday. I never though I'd ever feel loved by them but I now know that they do. Luna's trust is the one I'm the most surprised by because of the conditions I got her in and how much dis-trust she has/had in all people. I don't know where she came from and how she got to that Pet Store. No information was given to me when I found her under that pile of stuff on the floor of the Pet Store. Pet stores are not the place that should be selling or caring for Sugar Gliders. They are always sudjected to some of the worst living conditions. Filthy cages, nothing in the cage for the gliders to do and of course the worst diet you can imagine. I haven't seen a Pet Store yet that has gliders that cares for them properly.

Jack is of course my greatest joy. As anyone can tell you he was in the worst physical shape of any of my babies when I got him and now you would not even recognise him. He has lost so much weight he is now my second smallest glider. I can't wait to put pictures of him in my album. Every night when he comes out of his sleeping pouch he is so funny. He crawls to the top of the cage and stretches himself all the way out and reminds me of a bat. Hanging upside down all stretched out and waking up I always look forward to seeing him do that and get a little giggle. He runs in the wheels now and I haven't had to take him to get his nails clipped at the vets for months because of it. I'm so very proud of my handsome man. He is the oldest glider of the group but seems to be in his second childhood. He is approximately 8 or 9 years old now.

We did have a very bad Thanksgiving because we lost our long time family member our rabbit. We had Kenji for about 10 years and lost him the Friday before Thanksgiving. I had to make the hard decision and have him put to sleep. We had taken him into the Vets to have his teeth trimed and upon waking up from the (can't spell it) sleeping stuff he was paralized from the waist down. We still cry everyday as we miss him so much. We did adopt two new bunnies. They are Lion Head bunnies and are so cute but they are a hand full. Two males named Snow Ball and Max. I still need to have them fixed because they are doing the nasty to each other but get along great. I'm hoping with tax returns to do this. We also lost one of our oldest hamsters and one of our small russian hamsters. These have been very sad months with these family members passing but we move one and love the ones that are still with us.

My Sugar Gliders are doing great and I continue to use the receipe's that I and others have made here on Glider Gossip. Take care and I'll be back with pictures soon.



Mar 21 2011 : 11:15:38 PM
Good to hear from you, Anita! Keep us posted! :)

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 About Me

avatar Goldwinger
Gender: Female
Occupation:Asst. Manager in Auto Parts
Member since: Nov 20, 2008
Posts: 1369
My Pictures View my pictures!
GliderMap I'm on the map!
My Hobbies
Motorcycle riding, Visiting the mountains of Blue Ridge and hiking, Horse Back riding, Playing with and enjoying our Rabbit and our Suggie babies Luna, Milk Dud, Lucas, Cosmo & Jack.
My News
My husband bought me a 2008 Kawasaki Vulcan 900 Classic motorcycle, brand new and I just love it. I took the Motorcycle Riders Safety Class and I ACED it. Scored 100% and beat out every man in the class. I felt so proud when the instructor announced it to the class and surprised me with the news and my temporary liscense. Hubby and I have made quite a few road trips together, me on my Vulcan and him on his Goldwing. The feeling of the freedom that comes with riding is just so wonderful. This is my stress reliever and everyday I can't wait until the next time I can get on my bike and go.
My Bio
I am 52 years old, have three children, have been married for 23 years to my wonderful husband Ed. I have a son who's 29 and lives in MA. I have two daughters 21 and 16 who are at home. I love to go motorcycle riding with my husband. We have a great time together and sometimes get away for a weekend here or there to try and rekindle some romance in our relationship. I'm an assistant delivery sales manager at an auto parts store. It can be very stressful and sometimes feel more like a babysitter than a boss. My favorite place to get away to is the mountains for some hiking, horseback riding or just some site seeing of the wildlife and scenery.


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