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H.peninger3's Journal

Feb 2, 2012


Yesterday I called my vet to have a check up for my new little boy and my female, the vet asked how old my babied were and I told him that Harlee was 6 months and that I'd have to call the breeder to find the age of my male. I was under the impression by the breeder that he was 8-10 weeks. Oh boy did I get a suprise!! The baby is only 6 weeks old!!!! I'm extremely pissed off!!! I cannot believe that breeder told me he was 8-10 weeks just to sell the poor baby!! He lied to me and took that innocent baby away from is mommy way way too early!!!! If I would have known his true age before I got him there is NO way I would have gotten him! I cannot believe this. I already knew it was kinda young at 8-10 weeks but the breeder said he was weaned and everything. I'm outraged! He is a big suggie so it didn't really cross my mind, but now it makes scence why he wouldn't eat the first night and acts the way he does to my female!! That is cruel to take a baby that early from its mommy and the lie to the person your selling it too!!! Well guess what buddy I caught u and I'm gonna make sure I spread the word to people in the area not to buy ur gliders. Thankfully I have a wonderful female and some experience (little but I'm in the medical field so I have good scence about taking care of thing) if I would have known about that babies age I wouldn't have gotten him but I guess it's better that I ended up with him instead of someone with no experience. He probably would have died! I just can't believe it!!

Feb 1, 2012

 everyday is a new day

Hello everyone!
I have 2 gliders: Harlee(almost 6 months oop, female) and Shadow(8-10 week oop, male). I adopted harlee in december and shadow on the 29th of january. i believe shadow was pulled too early from him mommy by the way he acts around harlee, but i was unaware of that until we got him home. He has taken to harlee very well and she has in a way accepted him as her own baby. Everyday is a new adventure for the two. At first he wasnt much interested in food, and i believe that it was a result of being scared in the new environment and because he is so young and not used to regular food. anyway it has been a process but he is eating soo good now and actually climbs in the bowl to chow down. Well today he discovered the cage water bottle lol i know that sounds crazy and you are thinking "well how was he drinking then?"... our bottle drips and i occasionally keep a small bowl under the spout, he has been drinking out of the bowl. i was afraid he was going to make it a habit about drinking from a bowl until i took it from the cage and he just walked over to the spout and started drinking like he had been doing it all guess i underestimated my baby boy!
By the way i posted new pics on my profile, go check out my babies!
have a great night everyone!
Harlee&Shadow mommy

 About Me

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Gender: Female
Member since: Jan 27, 2012
Posts: 357
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My Bio
Im 24 from Arkansas. I married the man of my dreams on May 19th 2012. I have 5 gliders - 2standard grays: Harlee (my one and only baby girl) and Shadow (my fluffy man); and 3 leu's: Spaz an Dewy (twin brothers), and Casper(male). they are not gliders but my furry children :) i love them and spoil them with everything. if you want to know more about my babies or offer advice please feel free to message me