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How to get your glider to stop bite'n!

May 26, 2008

 How to get your glider to stop bite'n!

Thus may sound mean but it works.

I read this on a website, you get a bike horn.

and EVERYTIME your glider bites hold the horn against your tummy (so it is not as loud) and squeek it.

I have been doing this with my glider for 3 days and he no longer bites knuckles and elbows. THANK GOD! cuz when he bit you he did NOT let go, and it hurt like hell.

Last night my dad was laying doqwn in the tent during play time and Oliver ran across his leg and what do ya know oliver bit him. lol i guess now we r ganna have to have him climb on legs and feet and show him not to bite there.

But it works! YAY!


Jun 10 2008 : 09:35:35 AM
Pip Sqeak

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Gender: Female
Occupation:ELL aide for middle school,Fear Farm
Member since: May 22, 2008
Posts: 1359
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Hello :) My name is Jaclyn. I'm 21 and live in Avondale, Arizona. I am engaged to the best man in the world-Matthew- and we are getting married on Halloween night '10 at our work (Fear Farm. Heehee I am so excited! I have 2 suggies, both are girls Charlotte and Oliver. (i was told oliver was a boy when I got her and named her that, just the find out a few months later she was indeed a girl! lol so i kept the name anyways) I have 3 dogs. Facebook: Jaclyn Drake


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