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necropsy results

Apr 18, 2009

 necropsy results

This is the email I resceived back from the vet at the sanctuary Health centre.

Hi Sue,

I had a chance to do the roo necropsy this morning and I found that it had a colonic intussusception. What this means is that the large intestine has telescoped inside of itself causing a section of it to die. Almost the entire LI was affected and this was the cause of the bloody diarrhoea. This can be a primary issue where the intussusception may occur spontaneously or may be secondary to another disease process such as diarrhoea. I think that it is unlikely to be an infectious process that resulted in this condition but have sent tissue to the lab just in case.



I feel better that it wasn't something that I had cause but then feel guilty that I let her live that extra couple of days and die in pain like she did. She had one runny poo one feed them the next ones were soild so this was very unexspected. All joeys seem to waver between runny to solid poo. I think being that the milk substitutes we use never really mimic their mother milk exactly.

Now not only did Jack have the runs but Annie also has today. Last feed I just gave them Lactade and have given them some Nilsta as I suspect maybe some thrush from the stress of the last couple of days.
Although the shelter i work through also has two pinkies with the same symptons so I am not sure what is going on. The last feed they both did seem better and there pouches weren't soiled. This si teh reason the necropsy of Maddison was so important and the follow up tests too. I do feel that this is just an adjustment to the milk. Not over feeding and trying to restore some gut fauna is very important.

Now I picked up a very small Wallaby today that fits into the palm of my hand. I have named him Rocky because he seems to be a fighter. He has survived the first 24 hours but bruising has started to come out on one of his hindlegs this will be the result from the injuries his mother would have also resceived from being hit by a car. Will be praying that he still survives. He is feeding really well but it is hard to keep ones like this at a constant warm temperature. They have no weight to keep them in contact with the heat source. I am checking on him every 15 minutes to keep him warm and not over heat him, getting this right is most important at this stage.

More to follow.....


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I'm finally a grandma to Bonnie Jordana born 1st Novemeber weighing 6lb 15oz I have just become a Wildlife foster carer. I have already been doing rescues but now i get to keep those I don't put down till they are well enough to be released again
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"The most damaging phrase in any language is "It has always been done that way". Rear Admiral Dr Grace Hopper (1906 - 1992) Mathematician, Mother of Computer Engineering, First woman Admiral in the US Navy.


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