I think in cursed or something. This past weeks are disaster. First my new male sugar glider went missing and never found. And yesterday i notice that i didnt feel my jolly (my 7 month suggie i have her since she was 1,5 old) present in my room.... but I didn’t think to much of it cause its her sleeping time. But today when i woke up I didn’t feel and heard her presence to. I went panicking. I just cried cried and cried while searching all over my room. But shes not there. I live in an apartment and yesterday I didn’t even open my windows because the ac is all day. Im so confused of where she is..... i just keep on crying nin stop since this morning and im just si worried and paranoid. I cant imagine if i cant see her again. Shes my best friend shes my everything. I put her cage outside my room incase she went outside and i put her food and my used clothes in thr cage and i open the cage door hoping that shell get in the cage.... guys what should i do...? Im just so devastated....pls help.....