My mom asked me if they could, so i googled it. But i couldn't find anything about it.
Sep 26 2018 : 06:01:49 AM
Leela Arugula is used as an ingredient in tge critter love salads and is often used as a substitute for kale in the salads which is a major ingredient in the salads.
Personally I agree that they are high in oxalates
Aug 26 2018 : 01:21:55 AM
sjusovare they can have it, but in small quantity as it is rich in oxalate
Aug 26 2018 : 12:41:20 AM
Josiesgliders Alright! Thanks a ton
Aug 25 2018 : 04:26:56 PM
BYK_Chainsaw Toxic foods to NEVER feed your sugar glider:
Lima Beans
arugula is not on the danger list, but ALSO NOT on the ok list